Friday 27 September 2019

Summary of Blogs on Cardmaking 101-150

I have thought it a good idea to try and organize the blogs a little to make them more accessible to myself and my readers. With this in mind, I have started grouping blogs that have a common theme together in a summary blog. This blog is complete with links, headings, descriptions and photos. This is the third of these blogs on making cards.
Blogs 1-50
Blogs 51-100
Blogs 101- 150

Blog 101 - Cardmaking - Watercolours & Ink: Blue Flowers
"Today we once again use a combination of watercolours and ink to produce a painting of flowers. We also use the drip technique again. However, this time we control the whole process a little more and we also make use of splattering to finish the painting. When we are done, we again turn it into a card."

Blog 102 - Cardmaking - Watercolours & Ink: Pansy
"Today I show you how to paint a close-up of a single pansy with a combination of watercolours and ink. We start off by stretching our paper for this painting. When we are done, we once again turn the painting into a card to be saved for a special occasion."

Blog 103 - Cardmaking - Ink: Dancing Couple
"Today's blog is a fun one. I show you how to draw your picture in ink with a dipped pen. We then paint the picture in liquid ink. Then we use Derwent Inkbars to continue the painting process. To finish it off, we splatter ink all over the painting. The we have even more fun with it by creating a large A4 sized card from the painting."

Blog 104 - Cardmaking: Watercolours - Waterfall
"In today's blog, I show you how to paint a waterfall in watercolours. I do this on a tiny A6 sheet of paper, which I then turn into a card when I am done. I finish the card with some pretty stickers that compliment the scene we've painted."

Blog 105 - Cardmaking: Watercolours - Yellow Peonies
"For this blog, I show you step by step how to paint yellow peonies in watercolours. Then I once again turn this tiny painting into a card. This time I use some flower embellishments to finish the card."

Blog 106 - Cardmaking: Ink - Romantic Stroll
"Today we take a romantic stroll in the rain. This time I use ink to paint the painting, before turning it into a card. I finish the card with some rhinestones and an embellishment of a cat."

Blog 107 - Product Review: Mont Marte Adult Colouring Duo Markers
"I recently bought myself some Mont Marte Adult Coloring Duo Markers as a treat. I specifically had in mind that I wanted to use these in my ventures into Bible Journaling. In today's blog, I review these markers to see what I can do with them. I then colour an actual adult colouring picture to test them for their intended purpose. Read on to see where they disappointed and proved to impress. For good measure, I then show you how to turn the coloured-in page into a card."

Blog 108 - Cardmaking: Using your A4 Adult Colouring Pages
"If you are as in love with adult colouring as I am, you probably also have a growing collection of colouring pages lying about. I have decided to turn mine into cards to give to people on special occasions. I show you how about creating three of these cards in today's blog."

Blog 109 - Cardmaking with your A5 Adult Colouring Pages
"I like to pass the time with colouring when I am not actively crafting or painting. However, it always seem like such a waste to simply let those coloured pages sit in a book somewhere. That is why I like to turn my coloured pages into cards. I share a couple of ideas for this with you in today's blog. This time we use smaller pictures to turn into cards."

Blog 110 - Cardmaking with Watercolour Paintings
"I had quite a bit of time on my hands at work recently and spent a part of it in giving some of my colleagues painting tips. We all settled on watercolours as these are relatively cheap to purchase and easy to carry to and fro. In the process, I ended up with a large number of watercolour paintings that I had not intended to do. As a result, I decided to turn these into cards. I show you how to do this in today's blog."

Blog 111 - Cardmaking - Using Embossed Stamping
"Believe it or not, I have never done embossed stamping. I figured it was high time I tried my hand at this ages old craft and bought myself some embossing powder, as well as white stamp ink. I then experimented with the technique and decided to turn the experiment into a very simple card. I share the two methods I used, with you in today's blog."

Blog 112 - Cardmaking: Focus on God
"In today's blog, I have a lot of fun with my colouring materials and mediums. In this and a couple of upcoming blogs, I show you how to incorporate a number of pens, pencils and crayons into your colouring projects to make them more fun and to allow certain elements to 'pop' on the page. I then turn these colouring projects into fun cards. The theme for today's project is focusing on God."

Blog 113 - Cardmaking: The day God had made
"I am still happily busy colouring and having fun turning these colouring projects into cards. The idea behind this mini blog series is to show how one can incorporate a number of colouring materials and mediums into a single project. I use pens, pencils and crayons together when colouring today's picture with a theme that honours God for having made this special day."

Blog 114 - Cardmaking: Friendship
"Today I continue the mini blog series on colouring by incorporating yet more mediums and techniques in my colouring project. I once again choose a themed page from my colouring book to colour with a variety of pens, pencils, markers and crayons, before turning it into a card. The theme for today's card is friendship."

Blog 115 - Cardmaking: Hope Prevails
"Today sees the last of the blogs in the mini series on colouring. I am still using a variety of colouring mediums, but today's blog has a twist. I use foil to colour a large part of this drawing. I do not use a heat method, although that is the normal way of applying foil. I show you how to do this in today's blog. The theme for this blog is hope prevails. I once again turn the picture into a card when I am done."

Blog 116 - Card Making: Embossing & Die Cutting 4 Dad
"In today's blog I use my hand cranked machine to die cut and emboss some elements which I turn into a special card for my dad. In the process I also use inking and stamping techniques to make the card a little more special. The card is a very simple one with clean lines. My colour scheme is blue and silver. I show you step by step how I went about it in this blog."

Blog 117 - Card Making: Embossing & Die Cutting 4 Someone Special
"I am still fooling around with my die cutting and embossing machines that need to be cranked by hand, and I am having a ball with them. In today's blog, I use autumn colours to create a card for someone special. Even though I start on a very intense blue, this colour disappears behind the overwhelming autumn colours late on in the process. I once again use some inking to enhance the elements. Let me show you how to do somehing similar yourself with this blog."

Blog 118 - Card Making Embossing & Die Cutting Buttefly Garden
"I am still playing with my die cutting and embossing machines and today I return to one of my favourite themes, namely butterflies. I always seem to veer back to these marvelous creatures. I show you how to use two different butterflies to overlay each other. I also do quite a bit of inking again, before using the negatives from a previous project to incorporate in this one."

Blog 119 - Card Making Embossing & Die Cutting Cute Button
"For today's blog, I use a number of smaller die-cut elements to combine into a small card for a baby or small child. We are still embossing and die-cutting, but seeing if there is any use for the smaller dinky dies, if it is not used in conjunction with bigger elements. This is a very quick and easy project."

Blog 120 - Card Making Embossing & Die Cutting Heads Turning
"For today's card, I use an embossing folder that I have already used for a previous card. That particular card was made to be very manly, as it was intended for my dad. However, today, I go in the complete opposite direction, making it a soft and feminine card, even though it has an intricate gear system in its pattern. This goes to show how versatile these designs can be. Of course, we are still putting the embossing and die-cutting machines through their paces in this blog."

Blog 121 - ICAD 2019 - Week 1
"ICAD is an acronym for Index Card A Day, which is an international crafting initiative which is currently in its 9th year. It is initiated by Daisy Yellow and you can follow her at the link provided. She gives daily prompts and then crafters from across the world participate for the sheer fun of it. I decided to blog my own version of these, as the processes I used are so wide and varied. If you are new to crafting, you are bound to pick up a number of tricks with different mediums in these blogs. In today's blog, I cover all seven cards for Week 1 of ICAD 2019."

Blog 122 - ICAD 2019 - Week 2
"We have entered week 2 of the Index Card A Day (ICAD) challenge for 2019. I needed to scratch my head to come up with new and inventive ways of doing this, as it still felt as if I was only just starting to find my feet in this endeavour. It is, and was, a most enjoyable challenge, as it allowed me to play with a whole host of mediums that I had not used in a while. This blog is therefore once again jam-packed with varied crafting ideas and tips. The inspiration for this week was collage, found or painted paper, old books or magazines."

Blog 123 - ICAD 2019 - Week 3
"We have now entered the third week of ICAD 2019, the Index Card A Day challenge, which has been running for nine years. The inspiration for this week was mark-making, sketching, drawing, or portraiture. With this in mind, my index cards for this week, shows a whole lot more drawing than the previous weeks' had. Still, my time was limited and I opted to do very simple line drawings, rather than fully developed sketches. I show you how to do this in quick and easy steps in today's blog."

Blog 124 - ICAD 2019 - Week 4
"It is Week 4 of ICAD 2019. ICAD is a global internet challenge open to all crafters to create a decorated Index Card A Day, for 60 consecutive days. It is not a competition with prizes, but merely a fun challenge to inspire each other to get creative and form creative habits. The inspiration for this week was patterns, wallpaper, grids and geometric shapes. I found that I concentrated on using inks in this week's challenges and therefore this blog is riddles with the different uses of ink in your projects."

Blog 125 - Card Making - Embossing a Red & Black Card
"I have bought a brand new embossing folder that is quite a bit thicker than the ones I normally use in my machine. In today's blog, I note how to make adjustments for this, while I make a very simple, yet elegant black and red card. I show you how to do this in the step by step instructions in today's blog. There is also a short video with the steps at the end of the blog."

Blog 126 - School Holiday Project - Making a 3D Card
"It has been school holidays a couple of weeks ago and I spent a little time with my nieces and nephews when visiting the family. They always love doing crafts on these occassions and I was roped in to help. I did not have much with me, but we did manage to make some fun 3D cards. I show you how to do something similar with your own kids in today's blog."

Blog 127 - ICAD 2019 Week 5 by Miekie Part 1
"ICAD is an international online challenge where crafters are to make an index card a day for 60 days. I decided to join this effort, in the ninth year of the ICAD challenge, after a friend invited me. In today's blog, I show you how I used my Gelli Plate to prepare the cards for Week 5. The Gelli Plate makes it a quick task to get 7 cards surface-ready for the finishing touches. In the following blog, I will show you how I put the finishing touches on these cards."

Blog 128 - ICAD 2019 Week 5 by Miekie Part 2
"We have reached Week 5 of the ICAD 2019 challenge to create an Index Card A Day. I had lots of fun testing out my new Gelli plate when preparing the surfaces for these cards. I showed you all about this in the previous blog. In today's blog, I take it one step further when I put the finishing touches on these prepared cards. The inspiration for Week 5 was natural elements, texture, rust, dye, fibre, jute, thread & organic shapes."

Blog 129 - Embossing with Various Plates & Folders
"When you buy an embossing machine, it comes with rather clear instructions on which plates to use. These instructions normally covers only products by the same manufacturer. In today's blog, I am going to switch out plates so that I can use more folders and even other embossing plates. I even include embossing folders found in the cake decorating aisle."

Blog 130 - ICAD 2019 Week 6 by Miekie Part 1
"It is week 6 of the ICAD 2019 challenge and the prompts for this week was colour, colour wheels and colour charts. I was still having a whole lot of fun testing out my newly purchased Gelli Plate and I decided to once again prepare the index cards for this week by printing them on the Gelli Plate. If you are unfamiliar with a Gelli Plate, this is a good introduction, although I am not yet putting it through its paces, the way it is meant to be, and I have a whole lot more tricks up my sleeve where the Gelli Plate is concerned. In the next blog, we will take on the daily prompts and finish these cards, but for now, we'll just get them started.

Blog 131 - ICAD 2019 Week 6 by Miekie Part 2
"The inspiration for the ICAD 2019 challenge in week 6, was colour, colour wheels and colour charts. It was with this in mind, that I approached the cards that I had prepared on the Gelli Plate for this week. I deicded that I also wished to include some quotes and things found in books that I had received as gifts over the years. I show you how I incorporated all of these elements in the challenge, in today's blog."

Blog 132 - Make Your Own Gelli Plate @ Home
"I love the Gelli plate that I purchased through thoroughly. However, the original Gelli Plate is very expensive to purchase, and the bigger they are, the more expensive they get. A number of people have posted videos on YouTube in which they show you how to make your own Gelli plate at home. I decided to try my hand at this, swapping out products for South African counterparts. I share my experiment with you today and put my homemade Gelli plate to the test, telling you how it measures up against the original, in my opinion. Firstly, it is well worth mentioning that one should not be deceived by the name of the Gelli Plate. I have no way of knowing what it is made of, but my guess wavers between silicone and the stuff Clear Gel stamps are made of. Still, I shall try the gelatine versions that others have come up with and swear works so well."

Blog 133 - ICAD 2019 Week 7 by Miekie Part 1
"It is week 7 of the ICAD 2019 challenge and the prompts for this week was Landscapes, Maps, Cartography and Geography. In the past week, I have made my own homemade gelli plate and was keen to put this to the test to see how it fared against the expensive one that I had purchased. I therefore once again use a gelli plate to prepare the backgrounds for the challenge. In the next blog, we'll complete these index cards."

Blog 134 - ICAD 2019 Week 7 by Miekie Part 2
"It is time to finalize the index cards for the seventh week of the ICAD 2019 challenge. The inspiration for this week was Landscapes, Maps, Cartography and Geography. In the previous blog, I showed you how I used my homemade Gelli plate to print backgrounds for the index cards. In today's blog, I finish these cards. I opted to restrict myself in the elements I may use. I am using cutouts from gift wrapping paper and I make my own 3D embellishments with my hot glue gun and fondant molds. I walk you through the steps with accompanying photos in this blog."

Blog 135 - ICAD 2019 Week 8 by Miekie Part 1
"We have reached the penultimate week of the ICAD 2019 challenge and the end is in sight. The Index Card A Day challenge has been rather taxing and there were times when I had been strained to fit it into the normal routine of my life, but I am glad that I have persisted. I once again use the Gelli Plate to prepare the backgrounds for Week 8's cards. The inspiration for this week was Mandalas and Circles."

Blog 136 - ICAD 2019 Week 8 by Miekie Part 2
"Week 8 of the Index Card A Day (ICAD) 2019 challenge found its inspiration in Mandalas and Circles. I had already prepared the backgrounds for this week's index cards on my Gelli Plate, with the help of a friend who had been curious about how the Gelli Plate worked. It was fun sharing this experience with her, but it was time to finish what the two of us had started. I show you how I finished these cards in today's blog."

Blog 137 - ICAD 2019 Week 9 by Miekie Part 1
"It is the final week of the ICAD 2019 challenge! We have been creating an Index Card A Day for the past eight weeks and the end is here at last. It is a short week, with only five cards in the challenge. This time the inspiration for the week is Printing, Stamping, Gelatin Printing and Hand-Carved Stamps. As I will be prepping the backgrounds on my Gelli Plate anyway, we are already halfway there."

Blog 138 - ICAD 2019 Week 9 by Miekie Part 2
"Today I finally get to share the last blog for the ICAD 2019 challenge in which I had been making an Index Card A Day for the past 61 days. The inspiration for the last week of the challenge had been Printing, Stamping, Gelatin Printing and Hand-Carved Stamps. I prepped the index cards for this week on my Gelli Plate, and I shared the steps for doing this with you in the preceding blog. Today we put the finishing touches on these last five cards before putting the challenge to bed."

Blog 139 - Gelli Plate Image Transfer
"I have been enjoying trying out the Gelli Plate that I have bought on Today I continue my experiments with this lovely tool when I pull some image prints off magazines and books. What a fun thing to do! I have not yet used these images and prints in other projects, but I will certainly be able to do so in the near future. For today though, I simply share one more fun thing to do with the Gelli Plate."

Blog 140 - Card Making: Key to Happiness
"I have a stack of ICAD cards on my craft desk that I have zero purpose for. I looked them over and decided that they had real potential as cards. In due time I will be turning all of these into cards, but I start with this one that I recently turned into a card for a very dear friend of mine. This person incorporates joy in her being and wanted to present her with a card that showed I appreciated this value in her."

Blog 141 - Card Making: Security in Love
"Most often times we take risks when we venture out into relationships with people. Yet, sometimes those risks are well worth taking. I wished to express this sentiment with today's card. In the background, I have a running figure, but on top of it, I paste a sentiment that tells us that there is security in love. It was time for one of my friends to stop running and to put her trust in love again. I made this card for her."

Blog 142 - Card Making: Eternal Life
"There are times when we all need sympathy cards. These are not fun times and it is not the time to sit down and make a card. Therefore it is convenient to have a card for these occasions ready at hand. Today I show you how to make such a card for the loved ones who stay behind after someone has passed on."

Blog 143 - Card Making: Living Life to the Full
"I love this series of cards that I am in the process of developing. They have at their heart the enjoyment of life. Today's card celebrates a life that is lived to capacity. It is intended for someone who has the ability to suck the marrow out of life. I use my Gelli Plate to prepare the surface of the card and then I make some molds with my hot glue gun to embellish the card. These are just some of the tricks I have up my sleeve."

Blog 144 - Card Making: Living Life Spontaneously
"Today sees us making a very simple Thank You card. It is intended for someone who walks alongside us and who adds a bit of spontaneity and sparkle to our lives. The card is a very simple one and after creating the index card, we restrict ourselves to a little stamping fun to finalize the card."

Blog 145 - Card Making: Passionate Life
"I am still working on my card series in which I celebrate life. Today's card celebrates a life lived with passion. I do this is shades of blue and white, which brings a sense of calmness to the card, but this is done on purpose, because a life that is lived with passion, is often more calming to the soul than one that simply waits for life to happen around it."

Blog 146 - Card Making: Finding Love
"Today we are going to be making a card in which we celebrate the discovery of a new-found love. I start this product on an index card, design it on a Gelli Plate, impress an image onto it with cake decorating tools and then add the final touches. Let me show you how you can do something similar without much effort."

Blog 147 - Card Making: Friendship
"Today, I am making a card with which to celebrate special friendships. I use a variety of techniques in this card, starting with the Gelli Plate and ending with stamping. Read on to see a step by step reveal of how I created this card and become inspired to create your own."

Blog 148 - Card Making: Feast on Life
"Today I am making a birthday card for someone who has the ability to feast on life - to suck the marrow out of it, if you will. This card combines an interesting array of techniques, including layering, decoupage, drawing, inking, and more. The article has step by step instructions for creating your own card."

Blog 149 - Card Making: Golden Anniversary
"My folks' golden anniversary is coming up towards the end of the year. With this in mind, I have started experimenting with cards for the occasion.  To make today's card, I have used the Gelli Plate to pull a print to the card, I used my fondant cutters to create the image, and I used stamps to add some feint finishing touches at the end. I walk you through the steps for creating this card, in today's blog."

Blog 150 - Card Making: Courage in God
"For today's blog, I decided to make an encouraging card. We all have friends who are loosing hope, or seem to have lost their faith, or direction. A card like this might be just what they need, to remind them that they are not alone, that someone has taken notice, and most importantly, that someone cares about them. I show you how I went about this in the hopes of sparking your own creativity with which to encourage your own friends."

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
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Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
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