Monday 15 July 2019

A Summary with References of Blogs 1001-1050

A number of people have mentioned that they find it difficult to find specific blogs among the growing list of published blogs. This gave me the idea of publishing a summary of previously published blogs, with links and photo references. This way you only need to save a handful of blogs which can easily be accessed to navigate to the blogs you are looking for. This is the twenty-first of these Index Blogs.

Blog 1001 - Art Journal: Praise not, stones!
"In Luke 19:40 Jesus tells His critics that if the people did not shout out His praises, then the stones would do so. Today I once again became aware of just how much we owe God and how very dependent we are on Him. My soul burst out in praise inside of me as these thoughts crossed my mind and I decided to devote today's Art Journal entry to this."

Blog 1002 - Art Journal: Freedom
"Freedom. This is such a sought-after concept. People sacrifice salaries to experience freedom, if only temporarily. We call these vacations. What is freedom. Is it the ability to escape the lives we ourselves have created? In today's art journal blog I explore this longing we all have for freedom and discover where it is that I feel most free."

Blog 1003 - Art Journal: Life's Baggage
"Today I was contemplating the burdens we carry with us through life. I especially thought about the words we take with us, spoken by others about us and over our lives. And I wondered why it was so much easier for us to cart the baggage of the naysayers around rather than those who spoke positively into our lives. I decided to develop this idea in today's art journal entry."

Blog 1004 - Art Journal: Life's Tango
"Loneliness. This is such a strong emotion, which can be so completely overwhelming, that a lot of people will settle down with almost anyone, if they could only avoid feeling lonely. It is only when you have committed yourself to that other person, right or 'wrong,' that you realize that loneliness is not something that is found in the absence of someone else, but rather in a disconnect within yourself, and that no one else will ever be able to fill that 'hole.' Still, life can be a whole lot more fun if you can find the right partner to match your steps. I contemplate these ideas in today's art journal blog.

Blog 1005 - Art Journal: Big Fish
"How often do we find ourselves in trouble of our own making, and then we cry out to God for help, expecting Him to simply step in and save us now that we find ourselves in deep water. The thing is, He does. He helps us out more often than we can imagine. For, we tend to forget His grace as soon as things return to normal again. In today's art journal entry I allow my thoughts to wander about this topic."

Blog 1006 - A Summary with References of Blogs 951-1000
"A number of people have mentioned that they find it difficult to find specific blogs among the growing list of published blogs. This gave me the idea of publishing a summary of previously published blogs, with links and photo references. This way you only need to save a handful of blogs which can easily be accessed to navigate to the blogs you are looking for. This is the twentieth of these Index Blogs."

Blog 1007 - Sewing Reversible Shofar Bags
"A while ago I blogged about a trip I undertook with some friends to go and buy some shofars, at a place just outside of Brits. We came home with a number of shofars between the four of us, and it soon became clear that the shofars would need bags, if we wanted to protect them. I have a rather extensive fabric stash and offered to make the bags, but then one of my friends brought a whole bag of upholstery fabric off-cuts that she had received from her for me to work with. In today's blog, I show you how to sew the reversible bags, which could of course be used to keep so much more than shofars."

Blog 1008 - Cardmaking - Using Embossed Stamping
"Believe it or not, I have never done embossed stamping. I figured it was high time I tried my hand at this ages old craft and bought myself some embossing powder, as well as white stamp ink. I then experimented with the technique and decided to turn the experiment into a very simple card. I share the two methods I used, with you in today's blog."

Blog 1009 - Art Journal: Love Each Other
"As an outsider, someone who is not in a committed relationship with another person, I often look at the relationships people have with their life partners, and I can not help being amazed at how simple the 'fixes' seem to be, and yet how difficult they appear to be to implement. In today's art journal blog, I muse over this."

Blog 1010 - Making Grape Jam
"The grapes are hanging thick on the vines back home, and when I visited over the weekend, my dad made sure to send me off with a bag filled with grapes. These were more than I could manage and as soon as I arrived home, I decided to turn them into jam. I show you how to make this easy jam in today's blog."

Blog 1011 - Making Lip Balm
"I spent a fun Saturday with two colleagues and friends at home with a brand new friend, where we learned to make Lip Balm while talking nonsense over numerous cups of coffee. The new friend shared her secrets to making lip balm with us, as we had a fundraiser coming up for the school where we teach. The following Friday, we spent the afternoon making lip balm at one of our own homes, over more coffee, laughter and chatter. I share the some of the secrets for making lip balm with you in today's blog."

Blog 1012 - Paint a Gilded Flower in Acrylics
"Things at work had been rough and a couple of colleagues and I were starting to feel the strain of it all. As we were friends as well as colleagues, I invited them over for a painting workshop where we all had great fun painting a simple flower in acrylics. We also used some gold leaf on the centre of the flower to add a bit of sparkle. Enjoy the art lesson with us in today's blog."

Blog 1013 - Product Test - Clear Gesso Trial Sample: Test 1 - Paints, etc.
"A while ago, I sent emails to two local paint and art product manufacturers, here in South Africa. I complained to them that the Clear Gesso available on the market, did not fulfill the need of its users. I sent them an explanation of what I was talking about, and being a blogger, I fortunately had a selection of photos to support my claims. I asked them if they would be willing to look into the possibility of putting a product on the market that would meet the needs I had specified. Both manufacturers were quick to respond to my emails and both were eager to look into the development of the product, used largely for journaling, namely, Clear Gesso. Then one of the manufacturers contacted me to ask if they could send me two samples to test. I jumped at the idea. In the following couple of blogs, I will share the results of these tests with you. Hopefully, by the time this blog publishes, the product is already available on the market and in your hands, as I am working a couple of months ahead of schedule. In the photo below you can see the samples that were sent to me for testing. In this first blog in the series, I test paints and similar mediums on the samples."

Blog 1014 - Product Test - Clear Gesso Trial Sample: Test 2 - Markers, Pens, etc.
"In the previous blog I told you about being sent two sample products of Clear Gesso, by one of our local manufacturers, to test. I started the testing on paints and similar mediums and proceed the process in today's blog with markers, pens and other similar products."

"I have started a series of blogs in which I share my findings with you after having tested two trial samples of Clear Gesso, produced by a local manufacturer. One of the main problems I experienced with the Clear Gesso available on the market, was that it was so excessively rough, making it virtually impossible to use my colouring pencils on a surface treated with it. The samples I had been given, did not have this problem. However, other mediums that I have tested, resisted the colouring pencils, making it very hard to work with. I wondered how my pencils would fare on these two sample products. In today's blog, I continue my testing, this time on pencils, etc."

"One of the things I sometimes do in my journaling, is to decoupage, especially with serviettes. I wondered if I would be able to do this with the two sample products I had been given to test. Both were rather sticky in the drying phase and I suspected I might be able to do so. I put this theory to the test in today's blog. If this worked, it would open new worlds in terms of craft painting and art, for I sometimes use a combination of decoupage and paint on my mixed media works, but have found the regular decoupage mediums to be slightly resistant to other mediums. This gesso has proven itself very willing to accept other mediums and may very well open new doors in areas other than journaling."

"I have been testing two sample products of Clear Gesso, sent to me by a local manufacturer. In the past couple of blogs, I have been telling you about the various tests I had put the products through. In today's blog, it is time to start applying the products. I wish to be able to use these in my journaling Bible, but I will test it on another page, before risking its use in my Bible. I decide to prepare some colouring pages with the sample gesso to test the products. I share the results of this exercise with you in today's blog."

"It is time to put the sample bottles of Clear Gesso, sent to me by a local manufacturer, to a real test. In today's blog, I finally dare to use Sample 5 in my Jounaling Bible. This is the sample that I liked best after putting it through some rigorous testing. However, this will not prevent me from testing the other sample in my Bible as well, as I liked that one almost as much as this one, and nothing is final until tested in the actual thin Bible paper it is intended for. I deliberately try to use a variety of products in these two blogs and share the results with you in these blogs."

"Over the past couple of blogs, I have shared the tests I have done on two sample bottles of Clear Gesso, with you. Today's blog is the last of the blogs in this series. I have one bottle of gesso left to test in my Journaling Bible and I do so in this blog. I once again share the results with you, making sure to use a variety of products on these two pages."

Blog 1020 - Product Test - Faber-Castell Watercolour Tubes
"Last month I went to Hobby-X 2019 at the Ticket Dome in Johannesburg. I bought a number of fun things and some brand new and unfamiliar. But I also bought some more familiar products, among which was a set of watercolour tubes. This set was produced by Faber-Castell. I could hardly wait to get my hands into all of the new products, but first up were these wonderful watercolours. I decided to blog about this, as watercolours often get the bad rap of not being bright enough. I deliberately painted these brilliantly bright colours in thick layers to show how vibrant the colours could be. However, it is also true that these colours can be muted considerably by painting more diluted and thinner layers."

Blog 1021 - Make Your Own Make-Up - Eye-shadow
"Some time ago a friend of mine brought me a box full of colourful bottles. She had no idea what to do with them and was handed it by yet another friend of hers. She asked if I would like to have it, and I readily agreed. At the time, I had no idea what it was that I had taken off her hands, but a quick search of the internet brought it to my attention that I had been given a rather extensive collection of the right stuff, if I wished to make my own make-up. There were a number of varied items, but the colourful bottles proved to be the pigment needed to make eye-shadow. A few more searches on the internet, and I finally settled on a recipe that I liked, slightly adjusted and combined from a number I had come across. I share this with you in today's blog."

Blog 1022 - Make Your Own Make-Up - Blush
"The latest bug to bite me, is one that sees me experimenting with making my own make-up. In the previous blog, I shared some tips  with you for making your own eye-shadow. In today's blog, I show you how to use normal everyday household ingredients to mix your own blush. I actually show you two different ways for doing this, even though there are even more ways, according to my internet searches. As soon as I sent my mom a photo of what I had done, she placed an order for herself. These are so cheap and easy to make, that you need never again run out of ideas for gifts."

Blog 1023 - Make Your Own Make-Up - Lipstick
"I am still having great fun discovering how to make my own make-up. I have already shared some tips for making eye-shadow and blush with you and now it is time to move on to the lips. Once again, my internet searches have revealed a number of ways of doing this. I finally settled on the recipe of my choice, because the lipstick would double as a lip-balm, keeping the lips soft and moist. I walk you through the steps of making your own lipstick, providing photo references for each step."

Blog 1024 - Make Your Own Make-Up - Eyeliner
"A firm favourite in my make-up box, is the eyeliner. It has the ability to turn the eyes from dull to interesting with the drawing of a few fine lines. It is with this in mind that I experimented a bit on making eyeliner, as I was busily making make-up this week. I was only going to make black eyeliner, but once I got started, I was having so much fun that I decided to make a couple of containers of coloured eyeliner as well. I show you how to do this yourself in today's blog."

Blog 1025 - Make Your Own Perfume & Aftershave
"Along with the stuff to make make-up, that I'd been given by a friend, there were also some oils and perfume bases included to make your own perfume with. This was not something that I had ever thought I'd do, but if one gets given this kind of thing for free, then it makes perfect sense that one should try it. Internet searches did not reveal much as far as this was concerned, although there are some very nice articles on making your own essential oils to use as a base for making your own perfume. Anyway, my attempts and experiments today felt very much like taking a shot in the dark. Still, it seemed to have turned out alright."

Blog 1026 - Summary of Craft Blogs 151-200
"I have thought it a good idea to try and organize the blogs a little to make them more accessible to myself and my readers. With this in mind, I have started grouping blogs that have a common theme together in a summary blog. This blog is complete with links, headings, descriptions and photos. This is the fourth of these blogs on crafts in general."

Blog 1027 - Sew A Sleeveless Top
"It is the turn of the season and I felt like some new clothes. However, instead of buying, I decided to make something for myself. I rummaged through my fabric stash and came across some fabric that I'd bought a couple of months ago already. I would turn this into a mix and match set for myself. In today's blog, show you how easy it is to sew a sleeveless top."

Blog 1028 - Sew an A-Line Skirt
"In the previous blog, I started sewing myself a mix and match set of clothes from some salmon-coloured fabric I found in my fabric stash. In today's blog, we sew a very simple A-line skirt with side pockets to keep a tissue or a phone in."

Blog 1029 - Sew A Long-Sleeved Top
"It is a week of sewing and I am still busy with the mix and match set that I have told you about in previous blogs. For today's project we will be sewing a long-sleeved top with some decorative ribbon in the front."

Blog 1030 - Sew Palazzo Pants
"I am bored out of my mind with the pants that are available in the shops this season. They all seem to be tight-fitting and made along a similar pattern. For this reason, I decided to break the mold by making myself some old-fashioned palazzo pants. I am at an age where I could not care less about fashion, but would rather wear clothes that gave me pleasure to wear. I show you how to go about this in today's blog."

Blog 1031 - Sew A Reversible Jacket
"I have kept the best for last in the mix and match set of clothes that I have been sewing all week. Today I show you how to sew a very feminine reversible jacket to round off the set. Until now, we have been keeping it very simple and easy, but today's jacket has a few snags to look out for, though it is still very easy to manage."

Blog 1032 - Sew Pants with Pockets
"After making the previous mix and match set of clothes for myself, I still felt like sewing and decided to rummage through my fabric stash again, in search of some inspiration. I opted for a few pieces that would mix and match well into two sets with overlaps on some pieces. I show you how to make the first pair of pants in these sets in today's blog. The pants come complete with convenient side pockets."

"I am busy making my second set of mix and match clothes from my fabric stash. Today I opted to make a wide skirt with some convenient side pockets for the phone, keys and tissues I always seem to be carrying on my person. I show you step by step how to do this yourself in today's blog."

"I don't really have the length for wide-bottomed pants, but I do like the idea of them. And as I am not forking out a fortune to buy them, and will rather be making them myself, I decided to include a pair of wide-bottomed pants in my latest mix and match collection. I show you how to make these in today's blog."

"I have cut a huge amount of fabric in a relatively short period of time and I was still hoping to get a pencil skirt out of the last piece of leftover fabric. It turned out to be just too little fabric for what I wanted. I scratched my head a little and gave it some thought, when I came up with the idea of adding a frill to the back of the skirt, instead of the usual slit. It turned out quite fun and funky and I am happy to share the steps with you in today's blog."

"I have been making pretty bottoms for my new set of mix and match clothes, but I had yet to make a jacket or top to go with it. In today's blog I show you how to make a jacket with a coordinating collar. I liked this so much that I cut a similar jacket from two of the fabrics that I was using for the set."

"After all of the warm colours that I have been working with, I decided that it was high time that I spent some time sewing fabric with cooler colours. Even though we find ourselves in the heart of winter, here in South Africa, I had just enough fabric to manage a short-sleeved shirt. Well, the weather will turn warm again and then I will enjoy the shorter sleeves. I once again show you how to sew this yourself."

"So, in the last blog, I had made myself a short-sleeved top in the middle of Winter. Well, then perhaps I should show you how to make a long-sleeved shirt as well. This time the pattern is somewhat more of a challenge, but follow with me and it should be easy enough. If you choose a nice sturdy fabric to work with, this top can even double as a jacket as well."

"Winter is the best time for stews, broths and soups. And who does not like a hearty chicken soup? If it does not nourish the body, it is sure to hit the right spot in our emotions to make a grey day seem better and warmer. In today's blog, I share a recipe for making a nourishing chicken and mushroom soup in the pressure cooker."

Blog 1040 - Cardmaking: Focus on God
"In today's blog I have a lot of fun with my colouring materials and mediums. In this and a couple of upcoming blogs, I show you how to incorporate a number of pens, pencils and crayons into your colouring projects to make them more fun and to allow certain elements to 'pop' on the page. I then turn these colouring projects into fun cards. The theme for today's project is focusing on God."

Blog 1041 - Cardmaking: The day God had made
"I am still happily busy colouring and having fun turning these colouring projects into cards. The idea behind this mini blog series is to show how one can incorporate a number of colouring materials and mediums into a single project. I use pens, pencils and crayons together when colouring today's picture with a theme that honours God for having made this special day."

Blog 1042 - Cardmaking: Friendship
"Today I continue the mini blog series on colouring by incorporating yet more mediums and techniques in my colouring project. I once again choose a themed page from my colouring book to colour with a variety of pens, pencils, markers and crayons, before turning it into a card. The theme for today's card is friendship."

Blog 1043 - Cardmaking: Hope Prevails
"Today sees the last of the blogs in the mini series on colouring. I am still using a variety of colouring mediums, but today's blog has a twist. I use foil to colour a large part of this drawing. I do not use a heat method, although that is the normal way of applying foil. I show you how to do this in today's blog. The theme for this blog is hope prevails. I once again turn the picture into a card when I am done."

Blog 1044 - Card Making: Embossing & Die Cutting 4 Dad
"In today's blog I use my hand cranked machine to die cut and emboss some elements which I turn into a special card for my dad. In the process I also use inking and stamping techniques to make the card a little more special. The card is a very simple one with clean lines. My colour scheme is blue and silver. I show you step by step how I went about it in this blog."

Blog 1045 - Card Making: Embossing & Die Cutting 4 Someone Special
"I am still fooling around with my die cutting and embossing machines that need to be cranked by hand, and I am having a ball with them. In today's blog, I use autumn colours to create a card for someone special. Even though I start on a very intense blue, this colour disappears behind the overwhelming autumn colours late on in the process. I once again use some inking to enhance the elements. Let me show you how to do somehing similar yourself with this blog."

Blog 1046 - Card Making Embossing & Die Cutting Buttefly Garden
"I am still playing with my die cutting and embossing machines and today I return to one of my favourite themes, namely butterflies. I always seem to veer back to these marvelous creatures. I show you how to use two different butterflies to overlay each other. I also do quite a bit of inking again, before using the negatives from a previous project to incorporate in this one."

Blog 1047 - Card Making Embossing & Die Cutting Cute Button
"For today's blog, I use a number of smaller die-cut elements to combine into a small card for a baby or small child. We are still embossing and die-cutting, but seeing if there is any use for the smaller dinky dies, if it is not used in conjunction with bigger elements. This is a very quick and easy project."

Blog 1048 - Card Making Embossing & Die Cutting Heads Turning
"For today's card, I use an embossing folder that I have already used for a previous card. That particular card was made to be very manly, as it was intended for my dad. However, today, I go in the complete opposite direction, making it a soft and feminine card, even though it has an intricate gear system in its pattern. This goes to show how versatile these designs can be. Of course, we are still putting the embossing and die-cutting machines through their paces in this blog."

Blog 1049 - In Studio - Learning the Basics of Oil Colour Painting
"I recently presented a workshop in learning the basics of oil colour painting to a small class who was brand new to oils, never having tried their hand at the medium before. I took photos of the process and share the step by step process with you in today's blog. We paint a receding mountain range."

Blog 1050 - ICAD 2019 - Week 1
"ICAD is an acronym for Index Card A Day, which is an international crafting initiative which is currently in its 9th year. It is initiated by Daisy Yellow and you can follow her at the link provided. She gives daily prompts and then crafters from across the world participate for the sheer fun of it. I decided to blog my own version of these, as the processes I used are so wide and varied. If you are new to crafting, you are bound to pick up a number of tricks with different mediums in these blogs. In today's blog, I cover all seven cards for Week 1 of ICAD 2019."

Follow these links to previous Index Blogs:
Blogs 1-50
Blogs 51-100
Blogs 101-150
Blogs 151-200
Blogs 201-250
Blogs 251-300
Blogs 301-350
Blogs 351-400
Blogs 451-500
Blogs 501-550
Blogs 551-600
Blogs 601-650
Blogs 651-700
Blogs 701-750
Blogs 751-800
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
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