Saturday, 13 April 2019

A Summary with References of Blogs 951-1000

A number of people have mentioned that they find it difficult to find specific blogs among the growing list of published blogs. This gave me the idea of publishing a summary of previously published blogs, with links and photo references. This way you only need to save a handful of blogs which can easily be accessed to navigate to the blogs you are looking for. This is the twentieth of these Index Blogs.

Blog 951 - Art Journal: Be Kind
"Statistics tell us that people all around us are struggling with immense burdens. Some of these are of their own making, but some are entirely out of their control. I was contemplating this today, and then my thoughts made it into my art journal. I show you how I went about expressing my thoughts in both words and pictures in today's blog."

Blog 952 - A Summary with References of Blogs 901-950
"A number of people have mentioned that they find it difficult to find specific blogs among the growing list of published blogs. This gave me the idea of publishing a summary of previously published blogs, with links and photo references. This way you only need to save a handful of blogs which can easily be accessed to navigate to the blogs you are looking for. This is the nineteenth of these Index Blogs."

Blog 953 - Art Journal: Life is Complex
"It is not always easy to make sense of life. The issues we are confronted with, are often tremendously complex and challenging, making it difficult to differentiate between right and wrong. It is also not always to discern whether it is time to go, or to stay, to push ahead, or to wait. It was these thoughts that led me to today's art journal. I share the steps with you in this blog."

Blog 954 - Gypsy Woman: Sew a Gypsy Skirt
"I have not made myself an outfit in years, probably decades. The reason is that I love doing complex sewing, but my style is rather simple. Today, I decided to break this fast from sewing clothes for myself, and opted to sew myself an outfit, after I bought the most stunning fabric. True to style, the outfit soon turned from something quick and simple, to something much more complex. To make matters worse, I discovered I had not brought a single pattern with me when I moved recently. Well, I would simply have to wing it. It turned out to be much simpler than I would have expected. Let me walk you through the steps of this fun project."

Blog 955 - Gypsy Woman: Sew a Gypsy Waistcoat
"In the previous blog, I had made myself a very fancy and elaborate gypsy skirt. I then started playing around with the idea of making a waistcoat to accompany it. I promptly drew up a design and pattern to do just that, and set about to executing the plan. I show you how to sew this waistcoat in today's blog."

Blog 956 - Gypsy Woman: Sew a Gypsy Blouse
"As soon as I had made the gypsy skirt and waistcoat that I had blogged about in the previous two blogs, I knew that I would not rest until I had made a blouse to go with it. The odds of me ever wearing these three items in the same ensemble, are very slim indeed. Still, each on its own, coupled with something simpler, are very wearable. I show you how to go about making this rather elaborate blouse in today's blog."

Blog 957 - Mutton Potjie in the Slow Cooker
"My local butcher had mutton on special when I visited there the other day. I had a friend on her way over to spend the day painting and crafting with me, and this seemed like all the excuse I needed to indulge in a lovely slow cooked mutton potjie. To top it all, I had a brand new rice cooker to try out, and rice is always a great accompaniment to a potjie. I show you how to make this lovely dish in today's blog."

Blog 958 - Sewing Elasticated Pants
"I have this pair of pajamas that have been such a firm favorite of mine, that I have worn it quite through. There is no doubt in my mind that the success of this outfit is thanks to two factors; the brilliant pattern, as well as the softness of the fabric it is made of. When I was working on the gypsy outfit recently, I kept thinking that the softness of the fabric with the rose motif, would work marvelously on this pattern. I promptly recovered the pajamas, cut it apart and made myself a pair of elasticated pants, for day wear. I show you how I went about it in today's blog."

Blog 959 - Sewing An Easy Top
"After having sewn a pair of pants, based on a pattern from an old pair of pajamas, I had only enough fabric left to make the top as well. Even though this wasn't originally my idea, I decided that fate had spoken and I proceeded to make the top as well. I will probably never wear the two items together, but separately, they are very pretty. I show you how to make this top in a few easy steps in today's blog."

Blog 960 - Sewing a Paneled Skirt
"It is a new year and time for new things. I figured a festive new skirt might be in order to set the tone for the new year. In today's blog I show you how to cut and make this skirt for yourself. The truth is, that I made two of these; one for me, and one for my mom."

Blog 961 - Jewelry Making: Three Stings In One
"After making two similar skirts for my mom and myself, I wanted something in similar colours to wear closer to my face, without having to make a top from the same fabric. I decided that a couple of strings and beads would do the trick. Of course, I had to treat my mom to a set as well. I show you how to make this very simple trio in today's blog."

Blog 962 - Paint an Impressionist Pelican in Acrylics
"I am teaching at a school that offers art for seniors. Every so often, the pupils will dump their canvasses in the rubbish. When I see these, I immediately retrieve and recover them. Today's pelican was painted on one of these retrieved canvasses. I show you step by step how to go about painting the pelican yourself."

Blog 963 - Summary of Art Blogs 100-150
"I have thought it a good idea to try and organize the blogs a little to make them more accessible to myself and my readers. With this in mind, I have started grouping blogs that have a common theme together in a summary blog. This blog is complete with links, headings, descriptions and photos. This is the third of these blogs on art."

Blog 964 - Paint a Horse in Acrylics
"I felt a need to break free inside of me, and this reminded me of the power of a horse running free and unbridled through the open fields. I decided that capturing the spirit of that horse on canvas, might fulfill the yearning in my own spirit as well. I show you I went about painting this horse in today's blog."

Blog 965 - Paint a Sailor Girl in Acrylics 1/2
"I found two very cute pictures on Pinterest of pouting sailor girls. These two pictures appealed to me. I especially enjoyed how the artist had ignored all rules of proportion and simply accentuated the parts that appealed to her. I decided to paint my own two versions of these paintings, simply as a fun exercise in painting. In today's blog, I paint the first of the set of two."

Blog 966 - Paint a Sailor Girl in Acrylics 2/2
"In the previous blog I showed you how to paint a pouting sailor girl in acrylics. This is actually a set of two paintings I did for the sheer fun of it. In today's blog, I paint the second girl in the set of two."

Blog 967 - Cardmaking: Fireflies in a Bottle
"I found today's card on Pinterest and wondered how to go about making it. I love the idea of bottled fireflies, even though the thought of actually doing so, abhors me. It is the simplicity of this design that appealed to me. I walk you through the steps I took to replicate this cute card."

Blog 968 - Cardmaking: Use Your Watercolour Paintings
"I had a lot of fun at school doing a couple of small watercolour paintings to pass the last days of school last year, after the kids had finished their exams. Not having any real purpose for these little paintings, I decided to turn them into cards. I show you how simple and easy, but effective, this is in today's blog."

Blog 969 - Summary of Blogs on Cardmaking 51-100
"I have thought it a good idea to try and organize the blogs a little to make them more accessible to myself and my readers. With this in mind, I have started grouping blogs that have a common theme together in a summary blog. This blog is complete with links, headings, descriptions and photos. This is the second of these blogs on making cards."

Blog 970 - Art Journal: An Elephant of Stature
"Our own self-image has the ability to empower, or to cripple us in life. I contemplate the way we think about ourselves in today's art journal blog, when I compare our thoughts to elephants. These elephants can either be an opposing force, or it can be the force that drives us."

Blog 971 - Art Journal: Life's Prickly Pear
"Life is filled with cacti and thorny situations. We have the option of growing our own thorns and 'getting our own back', or we can grow flowers and make life a better place to be in. I contemplate these sentiments in today's art journal blog."

Blog 972 - Art Journal: Cuddlesome Bunny
"We live in a world where we all need some tender-loving care from time to time. There is a time to grab a bunny to hug, and there is a time to be the bunny that gets hugged. I meditate on this in today's art journal blog."

Blog 973 - Art Journal: Wise Old Owl
"In today's art journal blog, I remind myself that God is the source of all true wisdom. I will waste my own time and energy if I try to make sense of this world and all its problems, while failing to consult God in the choices I make on a daily basis."

Blog 974 - Acrylic Sheep on Decoupage Background
"A colleague was having a baby girl and we planned to throw her a baby shower. I wanted to give her something that I had made myself that fitted in with her colour scheme and theme, which was grey and sheep. It seemed a good idea to paint a grey sheep for the little lady's room as part of the decor. I decoupaged the background before painting the sheep in acrylics. I show you how to do this yourself in today's blog."

Blog 975 - Watercolours: Snowman
"In today's blog, I show you how easy it is to draw and paint your own snowman in watercolours. I used these in my Christmas cards when I was done, and they were quite a hit. If you believe you can't draw or paint, this is a good project to get you started, as it is super easy."

Blog 976 - Watercolours Landscape
"I was simply passing the time during the last days of school last year, when I decided to take my watercolours along. This soon turned into a fun activity with the some of my colleagues joining in. One of the simple paintings I did, was a watercolour landscape. I show you how easy this is to do in today's blog."

Blog 977 - Product Review: Gelatos by Faber-Castell
"My crafty friends have been telling me for a while now that I really need to get my hands on some Gelatos by Faber-Castell. I remained adament that I already had other products that served the same purpose. They would not budge. So, when I recently received a gift voucher for PNA, I set off to buy myself some Gelatos. In all honesty, I had to pay in a little, but I would never be satisfied with anything less than the twelve colours I got. In today's blog, I put Gelatos to the test to find out what can be done with them and how effective they are. I also compare them to the other products I already had in my stash, to see how they measure up."

Blog 978 - Art Journal: Let's Take Hands
"In today's art journal blog, I contemplate the importance of having someone in your life who would be willing to look out for us. We need to recognize the fact that we all need someone to take our hand at some point in life. This is very much the childhood principle of taking hands when moving in a group on any outing. Mutual assistance and responsibility for each other is the cornerstone of a well functioning society."

Blog 979 - Art Journal: Three-Stranded Cord
"Ever since starting this art journal, the concept of the strength of a three-stranded cord had repeatedly featured in my life. Looking back on the journal, I notice that even the cover page was decorated with three chickens walking side by side. It seemed fitting therefore to devote the last pages of the journal to this topic. Explore it with me in today's blog."

Blog 980 - Art Journal: An Overview of the Completed Journal
"I have reached the end of my art journal much sooner than I had anticipated. I experience a sense of sadness at having reached this point, as I had become emotionally attached to the pages I had created. On the other hand, I also feel a sense of achievement and even pride in what I have done. It was a fun and deeply satisfying process. In today's blog, I page through the journal from start to finish, to get an overview of the book as a whole. I invite you to page through it with me."

Blog 981 - Cardmaking: Watercolours - Twigs
"In today's blog, I show you how to make a very simple watercolour painting of two twigs with leaves on them. We then turn this cute little painting into a card to be used for a special occasion."

Blog 982 - Using Gelatos to Create a Painting
"Not too long ago, I did a product review of Faber-Castell's Gelatos. Even though I found that I already had other products in my stash that compared well with Gelatos, I still enjoyed working with these and they passed the rigorous testing with flying colours. Even though this blog follows a while after the testing, the truth is that I sat down the very next day to paint a watercolour painting with my set of Gelatos. I show you how I did this in today's blog."

Blog 983 - Cardmaking: Watercolours & Ink - Free-Flow Flowers
"Today we allow some drops of ink to run freely onto wet paper. We then turn these shapes into free-form flowers, before turning the end result into a card to be used on a special occasion."

Blog 984 - Spinach, Feta & Bacon Quiche
"I finally caved in and bought myself the long-desired round convection oven that sits on the counter. Of course I had to immediately try out my new 'toy' and the punnet of chopped spinach that I had in the fridge seemed like the ideal starting place. I show you how to bake your own spinach, feta and bacon quiche in today's blog. Don't fret if you do not have one of these little ovens. The baking is the same as in a conventional oven."

Blog 985 - Cardmaking - Watercolours & Ink: Blue Flowers
"Today we once again use a combination of watercolours and ink to produce a painting of flowers. We also use the drip technique again. However, this time we control the whole process a little more and we also make use of splattering to finish the painting. When we are done, we again turn it into a card."

Blog 986 - Cardmaking - Watercolours & Ink: Pansy
"Today I show you how to paint a close-up of a single pansy with a combination of watercolours and ink. We start off by stretching our paper for this painting. When we are done, we once again turn the painting into a card to be saved for a special occasion."

Blog 987 - Cardmaking - Ink: Dancing Couple
"Today's blog is a fun one. I show you how to draw your picture in ink with a dipped pen. We then paint the picture in liquid ink. Then we use Derwent Inkbars to continue the painting process. To finish it off, we splatter ink all over the painting. The we have even more fun with it by creating a large A4 sized card from the painting."

Blog 988 - Slow Roasted Pork Belly
"When I walked into the local butchery the other day, they had this lovely pork belly on special and I simply could not resist. I immediately bought one, even though this was not in the planning when I entered the doors, and carted it home to be cooked. When I was done, it simply fell off the bone and was perfectly delicious and juicy, while the crackling was crisp and hard, yet edible. Just perfect! I share my tips for getting it just right with you in today's blog."

Blog 989 - Cardmaking: Watercolours - Waterfall
"In today's blog I show you how to paint a waterfall in watercolours. I do this on a tiny A6 sheet of paper, which I then turn into a card when I am done. I finish the card with some pretty stickers that compliment the scene we've painted."

Blog 990 - Cardmaking: Watercolours - Yellow Peonies
"For this blog, I show you step by step how to paint yellow peonies in watercolours. Then I once again turn this tiny painting into a card. This time I use some flower embellishments to finish the card."

Blog 991 - Cardmaking: Ink - Romantic Stroll
"Today we take a romantic stroll in the rain. This time I use ink to paint the painting, before turning it into a card. I finish the card with some rhinestones and an embellishment of a cat."

Blog 992 - Product Review: Mont Marte Adult Colouring Duo Markers
"I recently bought myself some Mont Marte Adult Coloring Duo Markers as a treat. I specifically had in mind that I wanted to use these in my ventures into Bible Journaling. In today's blog, I review these markers to see what I can do with them. I then colour an actual adult colouring picture to test them for their intended purpose. Read on to see where they disappointed and proved to impress. For good measure, I then show you how to turn the coloured-in page into a card."

Blog 993 - Product Review: Giotto Turbo Markers
"For today's blog we will be testing two sets of markers from a brand I am completely unfamiliar with. These are Giotto Turbo Glitter Markers and Giotto Turbo Dobble Markers. I check the vibrancy of their colours, whether or not they bleed, if they are water-soluble, and so forth. These are relatively cheap markers to buy, making them a good investment for anyone who like to venture into the marker-related arts."

Blog 994 - Cardmaking: Using your A4 Adult Colouring Pages
"If you are as in love with adult colouring as I am, you probably also have a growing collection of colouring pages lying about. I have decided to turn mine into cards to give to people on special occasions. I show you how about creating three of these cards in today's blog."

Blog 995 - Watercolours: Lonely Pine Trees
"In today's blog I show you how to quickly and effortlessly paint some pine trees. I also do a colour wash for the background and show you how to select particular brushes for particular tasks. The medium we are working in is watercolours."

Blog 996 - Cardmaking with your A5 Adult Colouring Pages
"I like to pass the time with colouring when I am not actively crafting or painting. However, it always seem like such a waste to simply let those coloured pages sit in a book somewhere. That is why I like to turn my coloured pages into cards. I share a couple of ideas for this with you in today's blog. This time we use smaller pictures to turn into cards."

Blog 997 - Cardmaking with Watercolour Paintings
"I had quite a bit of time on my hands at work recently and spent a part of it in giving some of my colleagues painting tips. We all settled on watercolours as these are relatively cheap to purchase and easy to carry to and fro. In the process, I ended up with a large number of watercolour paintings that I had not intended to do. As a result, I decided to turn these into cards. I show you how to do this in today's blog."

Blog 998 - Four Quick & Easy Dala Blackboard Paint Projects
"In today's blog I make four quick and easy projects, using Dala Blackboard Paint. I use a variety of surfaces to paint on, including glass, wood and cardboard. I also use a variety of techniques, making this an interesting blog to read if you are interested in old-fashioned blackboards. However, I also introduce chalk pens to write on, rather than the dusty old chalks. Be sure to find out more if this is unfamiliar territory to you."

Blog 999 - Product Review: Paint Brushes
"I have been looking for cheap and affordable brushes to use in art classes. I still wanted it to be really good quality brushes, though. I never expected to find brushes quite as cheaply as I did. I was very skeptical about how good these brushes could be, but decided to put them to the test. I share the results in today's blog. I also found some better quality brushes that were quite reasonably priced, in my search. I share the results of the tests I conducted on these brushes, as well."

Blog 1000 - School Holiday Project - Create a Bookmark with Stickers
"I was recently given a set of stickers by a friend, who also generously gave me a set for each of my smaller nieces and nephew, when she learned that I was going to visit for a while. When I was with them, I suggested we use these stickers to make a couple of bookmarks for our Bibles, as the stickers all had a religious theme. The project is an easy one, but there are some things to look out for when working with youngsters. I point these out in today's blog."

Follow these links to previous Index Blogs:
Blogs 1-50
Blogs 51-100
Blogs 101-150
Blogs 151-200
Blogs 201-250
Blogs 251-300
Blogs 301-350
Blogs 351-400
Blogs 451-500
Blogs 501-550
Blogs 551-600
Blogs 601-650
Blogs 651-700
Blogs 701-750
Blogs 751-800
Melette Els (Clinical Social Work) can be contacted via the webpage, or by email at, or by phone at 082 776 1536.
Melette Els B.A. (SocSc) M. (Th) 
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Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
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For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
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