Thursday, 14 February 2019

Summary of Blogs on Cardmaking 51-100

I have thought it a good idea to try and organize the blogs a little to make them more accessible to myself and my readers. With this in mind, I have started grouping blogs that have a common theme together in a summary blog. This blog is complete with links, headings, descriptions and photos. This is the second of these blogs on making cards.
Blogs 1-50
Blogs 51-100

Blog 51 - Cardmaking: Making A Doodle Card In Minutes
"We don't always have time to make intricate cards. Sometimes a birthday or event catches us by surprise and then we have to come up with a stunning card that can be made in a matter of minutes. I show you how to turn some simple doodles into just such a card in today's blog."

Blog 52 - Cardmaking: Mosaic A Paper Picture
"Today's card was actually an afterthought to a project I planned to do with the kids. I was simply working out the sequence of steps I wanted to teach them when I realized that my final product was too cute to discard. This was when I decided to turn it into a very suave card, ideal for a young teenage lady."

Blog 53 - Cardmaking: A Nautical Christmas
"I can not believe we are already making preparations for Christmas again! However, it is such time and none of us like to be caught off-guard. That is why I am sharing a very simple idea for Christmas cards with you. I took my inspiration from traditional weathered stripes reminiscent of nautical themes, keeping my colour palette almost traditional. For this project I use my white 12" x 12" craft papers to make two slightly different cards from. However, adjust the sizes slightly, and you can use any paper size you prefer."

Blog 54 - Using Palette Knives To Paint A Smooth Painting
"It is a common misconception that palette knives have to be used with thickly pasted paint and impasto work. The truth is that a palette knife is able to apply paint more smoothly than most brushes can. I show you how to do this in today's blog when I use palette knives and oil colours to paint a dragonfly on paper. I then turn this little demonstration into a practical card."

Blog 55 - Cardmaking: Deck Of Cards Birthday Greetings
"Today's card was developed around a young man's 18th birthday. It had to be grown-up, but with a bit of fun. I always like to think up interactive ideas and this card certainly covers that aspect. The deck has to be fanned open to reveal the hidden messages inside. I walk you through the steps to make this card yourself, in today's blog."

Blog 56 - Blending Coloured Pencils With Rubbing Alcohol
"When considering the properties of colouring pencils, in an effort to come up with easier ways of blending, it occurred to me that I may be able to use Rubbing Alcohol to achieve the desired results. Once this ideas was born, I simply had to put it to the test. I was tremendously impressed with the results and could barely wait to share it with all of you. As always, I tried the technique with a range of pencils and then coloured a whole picture, with proper shading, to see the final results. If you love colouring, I guarantee you will enjoy this! I took the picture from my book Designs By Miekie 1."

Blog 57 - Make A Giant Butterfly Card From Your Coloured Pictures
"A couple of blogs ago I shared some tips for blending your coloured pencil work with rubbing alcohol. At the time, I mentioned that I would be using the picture I demonstrated on, in an upcoming blog. Today, I use that particular picture to make a giant card. We do some layering and dimensional work, among other nifty tricks of the trade."

Blog 58 - Fold A Sliding Card & Presentation Sleeve For Your Home-Made Jewelry
"It is time to give gifts of love and care and I have saved today's blog specifically with this in mind. I show you how to fold a sleeve from paper with a sliding card to write a special message on. We then slide another card in there, but this time we turn the card into a backing board to present a special gift of jewelry, effectively turning the card into a parcel. Quick, easy and pretty, you will love this blog."

Blog 59 - Cardmaking: Gratitude Through Fruitful Abundance
"There comes a time in all of our lives where we need to thank someone for doing so spectacularly special that words alone will not do it. Those are the times when I wish to pen those words on a special card so they can be read repeatedly. Cards also make great company for gifts! I show you how to make this lovely card in today's blog, capturing fruitful abundance in the generous pumpkin and the seed-filled sunflowers."

Blog 60 - Cardmaking: Dance The Flamenco
"The year is running out and lots of us are preparing to dance into the new year. If you will be attending such an event, then the card we make in today's blog, is just for you. I show you how to make a lovely card to thank your hostess and to wish her a happy new year. This flamenco dancer is sure to warm hearts."

Blog 61 - Cardmaking: Using An Old Almanac For Inspiration
"Sometimes you get almanacs that have the sweetest or prettiest pictures and seems a shame to simply discard them by the end of the year. In today's blog I show you how to incorporate the pictures from your old almanacs and calendars in the cards that you make, giving them a new leash on life."

Blog 62 - Cardmaking: Making A Shaker Box
"Who of us do not love to play with a fun interactive shaker box? So, instead of simply making another card, why not transform it into a fun plaything while you're at it? In today's blog I show you how to make a shaker box. Burt first, we use one of the designs from my book, Designs By Miekie 1, to colour and set the theme for our card."

Blog 63 - Cardmaking: Colour My Love Part 1
"We are approaching Spring again and traditionally this is the time for love to bloom. Why not surprise the love of your life with an out of season Valentine's Card to remind them how much they mean to you? To add a bit of fun, we do some relaxing adult colouring before turning the coloured pictures into a card. The design I used for today's blog is taken from my book Designs By Miekie 1."

Blog 64 - Cardmaking: Colour My Love Part 2
"In the previous blog I showed you how to colour a cute love-themed design. In today's blog, we use that same picture and turn it into a card to surprise our sweethearts with. Quick, easy and loads of fun. We can never tell our loved ones too often how much they mean to us. The design used for this blog is taken from my book Designs By Miekie 1."

Blog 65 - Cardmaking: And Then There Were Three Part 1
"I love being presented with the news that a couple is expecting their first child! Today's blog is designed especially with this is mind. I show you how to colour three owls to take on the distinctive characters of Dad, Mom and Baby, merely by carefully selecting the colours used. The design is taken from my book Designs By Miekie 1."

Blog 66 - Cardmaking: And Then There Were Three Part 2
"In the previous blog I showed you how to give a design character a distinctive personality by being careful in your selection of colours. In today's blog, we use that same design and turn it into a card to welcome a firstborn into the family. The design is taken from my book Designs By Miekie 1."

Blog 67 - Cardmaking: To Catch A Mermaid
"Summer is a great time for pool parties. Next time your child is invited to a children's pool party, why not make the hostess a cute mermaid card to thank or congratulate her? I show you how easy it is to colour the design and make the card in today's blog. The design is taken from my book Designs By Miekie 1."

Blog 68 - Cardmaking: To Colour Or To Paint Part 1
"We have been doing a lot of colouring of late for the projects we've been working on. Yet, a number of pencils give us the option of painting them with water, once they are coloured. We explore these possibilities in today's blog when use two butterfly designs from my book Designs By Miekie 1 to make a special card."

Blog 69 - Cardmaking: To Colour Or To Paint Part 2
"In the previous blog I showed you how to turn your coloured works into paintings. Today, we will turn those paintings into fun cards to celebrate a special birthday for twin girls. The designs were taken from my book Designs By Miekie 1."

Blog 70 - Cardmaking: Paper Piecing Your Designs Part 1
"Are you familiar with the art of paper piecing? It is where a design is cut up into different pieces and the individual pieces are then cut from various paper designs. The pieces are then reconstructed into the original design to make a colourful and visually fun picture to look at. I show you how to transform a normal design into a paper piecing design in today's blog. before showing you how to reconstruct the design again. The design is taken from my book Designs By Miekie 1."

Blog 71 - Cardmaking: Paper Piecing Your Designs Part 2
"In the previous blog I showed you how use an ordinary design and transform it into a paper piecing design. In today's blog, we turn the lovely butterfly we have pieced together into a pretty card to awe a special recipient with. The design was taken from my book Designs By Miekie 1."

Blog 72 - Cardmaking On A Shoestring: Bon Voyage Card
It has become extremely expensive to buy cards these days. A lot of people have taken to making their own cards, but sometimes these are so elaborate and expensive that it takes your breath away. In the next two blogs I want to share some ideas for making cards that will not cost an arm and a leg, yet does not lack for effect or prettiness. I kick off with a Bon Voyage card. You can of course choose any theme you like, though. The design I use is taken from my book Designs By Miekie 1.

Blog 73 - Cardmaking On A Shoestring: Birthday Card For A Boy
"In the previous blog I shared a couple of ideas with you on making cards on a shoestring budget. I continue with this idea in today's blog, although we will be making a birthday card for a boy this time. Once again the design I use is taken from my book Designs By Miekie 1."

Blog 74 - Cardmaking: Using Your Colouring Pages
"If you have been destressing with adult colouring, like I have, then you probably also have a rather large collection of colouring pages or books cluttering up your life. I like to turn my pages into practical objects that can bring joy to others, as they have already served this purpose in my own life. In today's blog, I share a couple of ideas for turning your colouring pages into cards in just a few short steps."

Blog 75 - Cardmaking: EGGcelent Easter!
"This year I found myself in a home that celebrated Easter with very much the same gusto that we celebrate Christmas. I realized that a card would be in the order of the day, even though this is not a tradition we hold in my family. I had an eggcellent idea for just such a card and sat down to paint one in next to no time."

"Today's card is a bit of fun for someone special. This can be used as a Valentine's card, or simply as a birthday card. Whoever you give it to, it is sure to illicit a smile from the recipient. I chose to show step by step how to draw this simple figure, as I think this would also be a very fun card to do with the little ones. This card was inspired by a photo I discovered on Pinterest."

Blog 77 - School Holiday Project - Cardmaking: Happy Fishing!
"Today we make yet another card that has an element of fun attached to it. I can once again not lay claim to the originality of the idea, as it is yet again something I discovered on Pinterest. I do show you step by step how to make this very simple card, as I do believe it is one that the youngsters will enjoy doing as well. They may opt to do it simply as an art project. Mine is going to my dad for a birthday card, as he is an avid fisherman. The fun aspect of this card, lies in the fact that when it open up, so does the mouth of the fish, revealing a set of serious slashers for teeth, turning this very benign-looking fish, into a raving monster!"

Blog 78 - Cardmaking - Making An Underwater Scene Card
"In today's blog, I will share some steps for making a birthday card for a little boy. I chose the underwater scene theme because of his fascination with sea creatures. This card is very simple to make as I used a page from my colouring book to make it and then simply added a couple of surprise elements to make it a little more interesting. Be sure to scroll down to see the surprises inside the card as well."

Blog 79 - Cardmaking - Making The Masterpiece Card
"In today's blog, I show you how to make a special card for that creative person in your life, to encourage them to give it their best shot when embarking on a course. I used a page I coloured for a recent competition as the main theme of the card, taking great care to mount it properly. I show you how to make this simple card in today's blog."

Blog 80 - Cardmaking: Flowers from Circles
"A circle is such a simple shape, and yet it is one of the most versatile to use in arts and crafts. I decided to do a short series on making cards, using simple circular shapes. I was inspired by some of these ideas from Pinterest and other sources, while some are entirely my own. The grouping of it together here in one place, makes for a fascinating collection. In today's blog, I will show you how to use simply circular cut-outs from cardboard to make cute flowers, using only pens to complete the picture."

Blog 81 - Cardmaking: Cats from Circles
"I continue the series on making cards using circular shapes, in today's blog, when I use semi-circles to make a trio of cats from paper cutouts. I then add some detail with a pen and, in no time at all, I have an inexpensive and cute card, to present to one of my many cat-crazy friends on their next birthday."

Blog 82 - Cardmaking: Poppies from Circles
"We are still busy exploring how far we can take the simple shape of circles in making cards. In today's blog, we will cut blood red poppies from the red cardboard and stick them down on the green to make a beautiful field of remembrance for a loved one."

Blog 83 - Cardmaking: Lilies from Circles
"In this fourth card that we are making in the mini series on using circles to make cards, we will be using an unexpected item from the vanity to form our circles. We use the round cotton pads that we use to remove our makeup with, to form the petals of our lilies. I show you how in today's blog."

Blog 84 - Cardmaking: Sweethearts from Circles
"I started this little mini series off with six sheets of cardboard. In today's blog, I show you how to make the fifth, and last of the cards from the original six sheets. We once again use circles to make this card, although this time our circles come in the form of buttons. Buttons, cardboard and a black marker is all you need to make this sweet and effective sweetheart card."

Blog 85 - Cardmaking: New Beginnings
"Today, we are going to make a card for someone who is standing on the verge of a new phase of their lives. I love the idea of using a caterpillar for this purpose, as caterpillars are soon to turn into the most beautiful butterflies, spread their wings and fly! Let me show you how to go about this in today's blog."

Blog 86 - Cardmaking: Fireflies in a Bottle
"I found today's card on Pinterest and wondered how to go about making it. I love the idea of bottled fireflies, even though the thought of actually doing so, abhors me. It is the simplicity of this design that appealed to me. I walk you through the steps I took to replicate this cute card."

Blog 87 - Cardmaking with Cricut & Stamps
"It has been years since I have had space to unpack and use my Cricut machine. The result of which is that I had to refresh myself on exactly how the machine works. I found it was like riding a bike; slow going at first, but I soon got the hang of it again. I cut four sheets of 12" x 12" papers which I will be converting into projects over the next few blogs. For today's blog, I use only one of the shapes to make a card. I combine this with some very simple stamping. I borrowed this idea from Pinterest."

"I was inspired by a card I found on Pinterest for today's blog. I just absolutely love butterflies and tend to use these often in my art and crafts. As a matter of fact, the main characters in my first children's story, were also butterflies. I show you how to make this simple and cheap card in today's blog. This is a very versatile card that can effectively be used for birthdays, to say thank you, get better, to declare your love for someone, etc. I love having handy cards like these at the ready."

Blog 89 - Cardmaking with Cricut: Circles
"I have cut designs from four sheets of craft paper, using my Cricut Expression 2 machine. I decided to use these cut-outs in a series of cards, that I will be blogging about. In today's blog, we use simple circles, and a single heart to make a very elegant card which can be used for any occasion."

Blog 90 - Cardmaking with Cricut: Hearts
"I am still using a range of cutouts, that I have cut with my Cricut Expressions 2 cutting machine, to make a series of cards. I rather fancied the idea of using hearts and played around with the pre-cut hearts. The result is a very simple and stylish, yet playful card that can be used for any occasion."

Blog 91 - Cardmaking with Cricut: Flower Petals
"What is more lovely than a flower? And what says I appreciate you better? Flowers will always be popular motifs to use on cards and it is small wonder considering the beauty that they bring to the world. In today's blog, I continue with the range of cards that I am making using shapes cut with my Cricut Expressions 2 machine. This time we compile a flower from a number of petals and circles."

Blog 92 - Cardmaking: Heart-Air Balloon with Cricut
"I made today's card while I was waiting for the members of my home cell to arrive. It was done with the cutouts I had made with the Cricut Expressions 2, earlier, which I have been blogging about for a while now. Little did I know, that the message I wrote on the card would become central to the evenings proceedings. In the end, I sent the card home with one of the home cell members, with the instructions to write her own story inside - a new definition of herself. I share the steps for making this card with you."

Blog 93 - Cardmaking: Butterflies Cut with Cricut
"It should not surprise any regular followers of this blog, to learn that I am fascinated by butterflies. As a result, they keep making an appearance in my arts and crafts. Today is not an exception to this rule. I have cut butterflies on my Cricut machine, and used these to make a lovely card. All I needed to finish the card, was an ink pad and stamps. I show you how easy this card was to create in today's blog."

Blog 94 - Cardmaking: Heart-Petal Flowers Cut with Cricut
"Heart shapes make some of the prettiest petals for flowers. That is exactly what we use to make today's card, but instead of using solid hearts, we us the outlines/borders of the hearts that we've cut using the Cricut Expression 2. A bit of stamping and some bling is all that is needed to put the finishing touches on the card."

Blog 95 - Cardmaking: Hearts on Edge Cut with Cricut
"We once again make use of the hearts we had cut, using the Cricut Expression 2, earlier. This time we arrange them every which way on the edge of a card to mimic the craziness of falling in love. We cut some coordinating paper strips to ground the hearts, before splashing it up with some rhinestones. I show you the tricks for making this card in today's blog."

Blog 96 - Cardmaking: Welcome Newborn Cut with Cricut
"I have a colleague who is expecting her firstborn, after years of struggling to carry a baby full term. The due date is around the corner and it is time to think of celebrating with the new mommy-to-be. What better excuse to make a special card with which to welcome their pink bundle of joy? I used the Cricut to cut the squares for this project."

Blog 97 - Cardmaking: Heartbeat Cut with Cricut
"For today's project, I use a single heart, cut on the Cricut cutter, to declare my love for someone special. Some string and a couple of strips of coordinating paper is all that I need to make this dramatic card successful. I do add a small gel sticker at the bottom of the card as well. This is done so that I can avoid adding complex wording, letting the image speak for itself."

Blog 98 - Cardmaking: Use Your Watercolour Paintings
"I had a lot of fun at school doing a couple of small watercolour paintings to pass the last days of school last year, after the kids had finished their exams. Not having any real purpose for these little paintings, I decided to turn them into cards. I show you how simple and easy, but effective, this is in today's blog."

Blog 99 - Cardmaking: Watercolours - Twigs
"In today's blog, I show you how to make a very simple watercolour painting of two twigs with leaves on them. We then turn this cute little painting into a card to be used for a special occasion."

Blog 100 - Cardmaking: Watercolours & Ink - Free-Flow Flowers
"Today we allow some drops of ink to run freely onto wet paper. We then turn these shapes into free-form flowers, before turning the end result into a card to be used on a special occasion."

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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