Saturday 2 February 2019

Using Gelatos to Create a Painting

Not too long ago, I did a product review of Faber-Castell's Gelatos. Even though I found that I already had other products in my stash that compared well with Gelatos, I still enjoyed working with these and they passed the rigorous testing with flying colours. Even though this blog follows a while after the testing, the truth is that I sat down the very next day to paint a watercolour painting with my set of Gelatos. I show you how I did this in today's blog.

I started with a heavy sheet of A4 sized paper, and a watersoluble grey drawing pencil.

I made a very quick sketch of the impressionist flowers I wanted to paint.

I then applied the Gelatos dry to the paper. I did not have a muted colour to use on the background and decided to use the grey pencil I had done the drawing with, to colour the background.

I then used a round Aqua Brush and a flat brush to paint the Gelatos and pencil with water, retaining quite a bit of the white paper.

The finished painting. I found the Gelatos an absolute delight to paint with. The colours diluted very willingly with water, making this a very quick and easy watercolour painting.

You can watch a short compilation video of the steps above on YouTube:

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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