Monday 4 February 2019

Art Journal: Life's Baggage

Today I was contemplating the burdens we carry with us through life. I especially thought about the words we take with us, spoken by others about us and over our lives. And I wondered why it was so much easier for us to cart the baggage of the naysayers around rather than those who spoke positively into our lives. I decided to develop this idea in today's art journal entry.

I start the journal entry on black paper with a white pencil.

I draw the luggage rack of a bicycle with a basket of flowers in the journal. Then I spray it with fixative to keep it from smudging.

I use a gold pencil to journal a quick thought:
"If you are going to cart baggage around through life, make it something pretty."

I then used soft pastels to colour the bicycle.

I used soft pastels to colour the basket of flowers as well.

I again sprayed fixative over everything to prevent smudging.

The completed layout.

You can watch a short compilation video of the above steps on YouTube:

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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