Sunday 15 April 2018

Heart Of Worship - A Figure in Acrylics

It is a good thing to give thanks onto the Lord. Every so often in life, I am reminded of how good my life has turned out, and I ascribe all of this to the wonderful and miracle working role that our Father plays in my life. As I was getting ready to paint, the song "Heart of worship" was playing on the iPod and I joyfully sang along. As I was singing, the urge to paint the joy rising up in my spirit, came over me and today's painting is the result of this. I walk you through the steps of painting this yourself, using acrylics as painting medium.

Mother's Day was long since over and forgotten, and these sort of signs could be picked up in shops for next to nothing.

Several layers of gesso finally covered the writing.

What little of the writing could still be seen, would soon be covered by the picture painted on the board.

I drew the top half of the figure in charcoal.

I start off with two aqua colours and a semitransparent mixing white.

I paint the board with the lighter shade, leaving the space where the dress will be, unpainted.

I then fill in the sides and corners with the darker shade.

I then use Yellow Oxide for the skin.


I use Red Oxide for the hair.


I use a bright yellow to start the top of the dress.

I simply dab the colour onto the skirt.

I add a dark brown to the hair.

I then use a medium blue on the dress.

I continue dabbing paint onto the dress.

I add a third shade to the hair. I keep going back and forth between the hair and the skirt as I wish to give each layer a chance to dry a bit before applying the next.

I add highlights to the skin.

I add red to the dress.

I now paint (not dab) bright yellow onto the dress.

This is followed by light yellow to add highlights.

This is followed by pale red/pink.

This is followed by purple.

This is followed by a yellowish green.

I then paint the bodice of the dress.

I add highlights.

I fill in the bottom of the dress.

I add stalks for my flowers.

I dab flowers onto the painting.

I stand back to assess the painting before signing it.

The completed painting.

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
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