Monday 16 April 2018

Chicken Duo: Rooster 1 In Acrylics

I bought two rustic looking paint surfaces made of rough wooden planks. I wanted to paint something that reminded me of the simple things in life that gives me so much joy and pleasure. My choices fell on two roosters. I show you how to paint the first in this series of two roosters in today's blog. I use acrylics as painting medium.

I do not wish to cover the whole board with paint, but rather want some of the rough wood to show when I'm done. For this reason, I do not start by preparing my surface with gesso.

I start with black and also mix a grey with the black and mixing white.

I add a bit of blue to both colours to liven up the black.

I start with the darkest shade on the left of my boards.

I then mix a lighter grey.

I cover the rest of the board with this lighter shade.

I wait for the paint to dry and then I draw a rough outline of a chicken on the board, using charcoal.

I use Titanium White because it is completely opaque.

I paint the chicken in rough brush strokes.

I then paint the red areas surrounding the face.

I do not like how dark the red is against the background. I therefore opt to turn the background white.

I paint over the red with Titanium White.

As I wait for the face area to dry, I add definition to the feathers, using white.

I add even more definition with a rigger brush and black paint.

I then go back to paint the facial area red again.

I pain the beak yellow.

I add black shadow areas.

I add orange highlights.

Then I define the face with more white.

When I look at the rooster the next day, I realize that some of the shadow areas on the face need to be fixed.

The completed painting.

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
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