Thursday, 25 August 2016

Painting Tatty Teddies In Oil Colours Part 2 of 2

I started with a blog in two parts yesterday in which I show you how to paint oil paintings for decorative purposes. We are using the ever popular Tatty Teddies as subject matter and in today's blog I allow the background to be a little bit more prominent than was the case with the first blog.
Part 1
Part 2

I prepare two canvasses by painting them green using acrylic paint. This is simply a base colour that will be covered, but it will set a happy tone for the painting and the eye will be able to pick it up subliminally.

I use charcoal to draw the image on the canvas.

I don't want to stick to the conventional grey tones of the tatty teddies and decide to mix my own purple to pain the teddies with. I start by mixing a blue, a red and a green.

Blue and red gives me this.

Adding the green gives me this.

I decide to add white.

The white brings it closer to what I am looking for, but now I want it somewhat darker.

I add Payne's Grey before I am happy with the colour.

I use a palette knife to plaster the paint on quite thick. I then use an old brush, on which the bristles are hard and in disarry. I simply dab with the dry brush on the wet paint, pulling it away with the brush to create this 'curly-haired' texture on the teddies.

I then use black to outline the edges of the teddies so that they will appear more rounded, as well as to define the lines better. I use white to create highlights. The mouths are also painted white, dragging some of the surrounding purple into the white so it does not appear quite so stark. I use a small brush to paint the scars and stitching in black. The noses are painted pink. The patches are painted blue.

I paint the balloon pink with white reflective highlights.

I start off painting the ladder a dark brown, but change my mind about this later on.

When I paint the tree in shades of brown, I decide to add naples yellow to the ladder to make it much lighter than it used to be, allowing it to be more prominent in the picture. This is a fun element and the painting is intended to be a decorative item for a child's room. It therefore suits our purpose to lift the ladder out by making it lighter.

The tree canopy is painted a vibrant green.

The background is then painted a pale blue.

Pale blue patches are added in the tree canopy to give it a less solid appearance.

Once I've signed my name, this painting is done.

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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