Friday 17 June 2016

A Summary with References of Blogs 451-500

A number of people have mentioned that they find it difficult to find specific blogs among the growing list of published blogs. This gave me the idea of publishing a summary of previously published blogs, with links and photo references. This way you only need to save a handful of blogs which can easily be accessed to navigate to the blogs you are looking for. This is the tenth of these Index Blogs.
Follow these links to the Index Blogs:
Blogs 1-50
Blogs 51-100
Blogs 101-150
Blogs 151-200
Blogs 201-250
Blogs 251-300
Blogs 301-350
Blogs 351-400
Blogs 451-500

Blog 451 - Sewing Coverings for Your Kitchen Appliances
"I was wondering what to do with those cute pigs that I have painted onto fabric pieces a couple of weeks ago and happened to mention this to my mom. She pointed around her to her kitchen appliances that were all covered with dish towels and jokingly remarked that I should consider making them into covers for her appliances. I thought it was a brilliant idea! Off I went to fetch some measuring equipment and in a jiffy we had those dish towels back in the drawers and the appliances properly covered. I show you how simple this is to do in today's sewing blog."

Blog 452 - A Summary with References of Blogs 401-450
"A number of people have mentioned that they find it difficult to find specific blogs among the growing list of published blogs. This gave me the idea of publishing a summary of previously published blogs, with links and photo references. This way you only need to save a handful of blogs which can easily be accessed to navigate to the blogs you are looking for. This is the ninth of these Index Blogs."

Blog 452 - School Holidays Project 27: Doing More Advanced Mosaics with Kids
"In a previous blog on crafting with kids, I have shared some ideas for introducing very young children to the art of mosaics. In today's blog we take mosaics a step further. This time they work on a shaped background. They also work with differently shaped tiles, pebbles and tiles of different heights. I also opened the scope of available tiles substantially so that they had to think about colours and layouts more than was required for the previous blog. The biggest challenge here is to convince the interested adults to stand back and allow the kids to do this by themselves. If you have onlookers, I suggest you hand them each their own project as well."

Blog 453 - Art Therapy 3: Walking Away (An Art Journaling Project)
"There comes a time in life where the circumstances we find ourselves in, or the people we have allowed into our lives, become poisonous to our well-being. It is very important to give yourself the right to walk away in these times. Today's blog is a very short one, concentrating simply on giving yourself the right to make this resolve. It is done in the form of an art journaling page, so that you can add it to an ongoing journal of wellness."

Blog 454 - Bootlegging Some Paint
"I bought this lovely wooden boot cut-out the other day when I was in a local craft store. I simply could not resist. Is that not the case too often when it comes to shoes? Well, this one would not go onto my feet, but it would be great fun to paint. The project is not a very difficult one, but it does require a steady hand (and making sure you have the right paint brushes!). It is almost like colouring for adults, but this time we do it with paint and paint brushes."

Blog 455 - School Holiday Project 28: Making a Mask 4 A Diva
"My four-year old niece had a scheme for involving me in a paint project she had in mind. She whispered in my ear that she was in need of a mask and the two of us promptly sat ourselves down to create one. The drawing and cutting aspect of this was a little advanced for her, but would be great with slightly older kids. Still, she had a ball of a time painting and decorating her mask and paraded it all over the place."

Blog 456 - Painting Polystyrene Room Decorations
"Some of the most colourful and fun elements to add to a child's room, when decorating, are polystyrene wall decor items. These lightweight pictures can easily fill large empty wall spaces at very little cost, especially if you paint them yourself. That also means that you can change them much faster than most other items with whatever is new and popular in your child's life. There are a few things to pay attention to, though. Some paints and glues will actually dissolve/melt the polystyrene. In today's blog I give you a couple of tips for getting it right and show you a nifty trick for sticking those pesky things to the wall in a way that will not damage the wall."

Blog 457 - Art Therapy 4: Dealing with Illness
"Today's blog is aimed at helping you to come to terms with illness. In the example blog, we have used Cancer, but you can adjust the details to fit your own diagnosis and experiences. We have deliberately kept the art aspect of this blog very easy so as to make it possible for anyone to attempt, regardless of your energy levels. We know very well that you often do not have the energy you are used to having and we did not want to make this a physically challenging one. Let us help you in finding ways to come to terms with your illness and to find ways to help you cope with an altered reality."

Blog 458 - Painting With Glitter
"I have been doing decor for children's rooms of late and it has left me slightly whimsical. That is why today's quick project is not simply a painting blog, but one that adds a little bit of shimmer to the paint. I use a wooden cut-out and basically 'colour' it with paint before I start adding some fun elements. This is a fab exercise for everyone who is into adult coloring and is looking to break away from paper for a change."

Blog 459 - Taking Polystyrene Room Decor A Step Further
"I showed you how to paint polystyrene room decor in a previous blog and discussed some of the pitfalls to look out for. In today's blog I take the concept a little further when I decorate a girl's room. This time we go a little mixed media to highlight certain features on the designs."

Blog 460 - School Holiday Project 29: Putting a Knight in Arms
"When I was making a mask with his sister the other day, my five-year old nephew looked on longingly. I asked if he also wanted a mask, but he declined, stating firmly that it was too girly for his liking. I then suggested we make him a knight's mask and, after explaining to him what it was, he was very keen. Again, the project is slightly advanced for this age, and there are places where an older child or adult will need to assist, but he managed to do quite a bit of the work himself and had a lot of fun fighting imaginary dragons afterwards."

Blog 461 - Using Glitter Paper Effectively When Making Cards
"If you are like many crafters these days, you have a stash of craft paper filling your shelves. I love the brilliant glitter finish paper you can buy, but one has to use it wisely to prevent projects ending up looking kitsch. Today we make a rather simple card, using basically only paper and punches, where I show you how to use your glitter paper effectively."

Blog 462 - School Holiday Project 30: Teken & Verf Petra Padda (Draw & Paint Petra Frog)
"Ek het onlangs my splinternuwe kinderboek, Tuinstories, bekend gestel. Dit is 'n heerlike ontwikkelde verhaal gerig op die voorskoolse en jong laerskool mark wat die verhale van 'n groepie insekte in die tuin vertel. Die boek is gelaai met intriges en verskeie karakters beleeg klimakse en laagtepunte. Dit is ook deurspek van humoristiese insidente en woordspelings. Saam met hierdie boek, het ek ook 'n aktiwiteitsboek beskikbaar gestel waar kinders kan leer om stapsgewys self die karakters te teken en te verf. Altesaam is daar twaalf projekte en elkeen bring iets nuuts na die kind se kunsbelewenis en -ontwikkeling. Daar is ook 'n inkleurboek wat hiermee saamgaan, met 47 sketse uit die boek om self in te kleur. In vandag se blog gee ek julle so 'n kykie in die aktiwiteitsboek as die stappe blog om Petra Padda te teken en te verf. Ek skop ook die blog af met 'n kort uittreksel uit die boek, sodat julle so 'n idee het waaroor die boek gaan en hoe dit lees. Die boeke is beskikbaar in digitale formaat as jy hier kliek.
I have recently launched my brand new children's book, accompanied by an activity book and a coloring book. In the activity book, I give step by step directions that will allow a child to draw and paint the characters themselves. In today's blog, I share these steps for drawing Petra Frog."

Blog 463 - Baking Wholewheat & Rye Pistolets with a Sourdough Starter
"Pistolets are small round buns with a hard crust and a soft center, that originate from Brussels. We put our own twist on these delicacies when we bake them with a wholewheat and Rye combo in today's blog. As usual, I will be using my sourdough starter, but I will also give advice for using other raising agents in the blog."

Blog 464 - Four Ways to Fix Serviettes to Paper
"These days serviettes have made it out of the dining room and into our craft rooms. And small wonder, considering the vast range of beautiful serviettes available on the market. Serviettes are being used on all sorts of surfaces and I have blogged about some of these before. Today, I want to focus in on paper as a surface. There are numerous paper crafts that can benefit from introducing serviettes to them. I especially had art journaling in mind when I did this blog, but you can use it in cardmaking, scrapbooking, etc. I show you four different ways in which to fix serviettes to paper in today's blog. You choose which will work best for your particular project."

Blog 465 - Art Therapy 5: Understanding Grief Part 1 of 8 - Creating A Journal
"There is probably not one of us who have not had to deal with the devastating effects of losing someone dear to us. Everyone grieves in their own way and it would be a cheap attempt to say that one formula fits all. Yet, numerous attempts have been made to identify the phases that people in grief pass through and seven have been agreed upon to be more or less universal. We will take a look at these phases in an attempt to gain some form of understanding for the process we are passing through. We take this journey in the form of an art journal, attempting to somehow find a means of dealing with the loss we have experienced and continue to experience still. In this first blog of the eight part series, we look at creating the album that will house the process.
This blog is co-authored by Marietjie Uys (artist) and Melette Els (therapist)."

Blog 466 - Art Therapy 5: Understanding Grief Part 2 of 8 - Shock & Denial (Phase 1)
"There is probably not one of us who have not had to deal with the devastating effects of losing someone dear to us. Everyone grieves in their own way and it would be a cheap attempt to say that one formula fits all. Yet, numerous attempts have been made to identify the phases that people in grief pass through and seven have been agreed upon to be more or less universal. We will take a look at these phases in an attempt to gain some form of understanding for the process we are passing through. We take this journey in the form of an art journal, attempting to somehow find a means of dealing with the loss we have experienced and continue to experience still. In this second blog of the eight part series, we look at the first phase identified, namely shock and denial.
This blog is co-authored by Marietjie Uys (artist) and Melette Els (therapist)."

Blog 467 - Making a Sourdough Starter (without the pitfalls)
"I have written an extensive blog about making your own Sourdough Starter in an earlier blog. In that blog I have discussed a number of pitfalls and walked you through the trials and errors of my own attempts. Yet, I have had a number of people asking me to reduce this method to own only the essential steps. This blog does just that. If, during the process, you have more questions, you may want to refer back to the original blog, which you can read here."

Blog 468 - Miekie's Designs for Art & Craft Projects Published In a Book
"I have shared a number of blogs in the past where I have made use of designs that I have made available for purchase so that my readers could use them in their own projects as well. Today I am thrilled to announce that these designs have now been compiled into one convenient book that can be purchased online through Amazon at a fraction of the cost of buying the designs individually. In today's blog I refer you back to previous blogs where I have used these designs and introduce a couple of new ones that you have not seen yet.  You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here."

Blog 469 - Baking Meatloaf in a Jiffy
"There are loads of recipes for meatloaf out there and it certainly isn't rocket science to bake one, but today's meatloaf is truly delicious as it comes flavoured with traditional Italian herbs. It is not as spicy as I usually make my meats and I sometimes add a bit of chilies or garlic, but it is truly delicious as is. This one is comfort food at its best."

Blog 470 - Understanding A Sewing Pattern
"In the 'good ole days' just about everyone was able to sew and learning to do so was as easy as asking your next door neighbour. That is no longer the case and knowing how to sew has not been general knowledge in ages. Yet, more and more people are picking this up as a hobby. In today's blog I show you how to pick a sewing pattern, what to look for, and how to make sense of what it is you are looking at. This is a really handy blog for beginners to the world of sewing."

Blog 471 - Baking a One Each Loaf with a Sourdough Starter
"This is a very tasty loaf that gets 1 cup each of four different types of flour. Add to that your sourdough starter to make it rise, and you have one of the most flavorful loaves you will ever eat, aside from the ones you add fruit and other ingredients to. This recipe is one I return to regularly for our everyday household bread and I am sure you will too, once you've tried it."

Blog 472 - Art Therapy 5: Understanding Grief Part 3 of 8 - Pain & Guilt (Phase 2)
"There is probably not one of us who have not had to deal with the devastating effects of losing someone dear to us. Everyone grieves in their own way and it would be a cheap attempt to say that one formula fits all. Yet, numerous attempts have been made to identify the phases that people in grief pass through and seven have been agreed upon to be more or less universal. We will take a look at these phases in an attempt to gain some form of understanding for the process we are passing through. We take this journey in the form of an art journal, attempting to somehow find a means of dealing with the loss we have experienced and continue to experience still. In this third blog of the eight part series, we look at the second phase identified, namely pain and guilt.
This blog is co-authored by Marietjie Uys (artist) and Melette Els (therapist)."

Blog 473 - Art Therapy 5: Understanding Grief Part 4 of 8 - Anger & Bargaining (Phase 3)
"There is probably not one of us who have not had to deal with the devastating effects of losing someone dear to us. Everyone grieves in their own way and it would be a cheap attempt to say that one formula fits all. Yet, numerous attempts have been made to identify the phases that people in grief pass through and seven have been agreed upon to be more or less universal. We will take a look at these phases in an attempt to gain some form of understanding for the process we are passing through. We take this journey in the form of an art journal, attempting to somehow find a means of dealing with the loss we have experienced and continue to experience still. In this fourth blog of the eight part series, we look at the third phase identified, namely anger & bargaining.
This blog is co-authored by Marietjie Uys (artist) and Melette Els (therapist)."

Blog 474 - Laying Out & Cutting Out A Top For Sewing
"In a previous blog I have shown you how to make sense of a pattern if you want to take up sewing as a hobby. In today's blog I continue with the same pattern, showing you how to lay the pattern out on your fabric and then cutting it out. In a following blog I will show you how to read the pattern and how to sew it."

Blog 475 - Baking a Fruity Almond Twist With a Sourdough Starter
"The twist in the title is literally derived from the fact that we divide our dough in half and then twist the two dough ropes into each other when we make this delicious tea bread. There are many variations of tea bread available, but I love the freshness that the lemon bring to this one. As usual, I will be using my sourdough starter, but I will also give advice for using other raising agents in the blog."

Blog 476 - Sewing a Top Following the Pattern Instructions
"I can not recall how many years have passed since the last time I even looked at the instructions on a pattern, but I can remember how useful these were when I just started sewing. For today's blog, I purposefully forced myself to follow the instructions on the pattern so that I could show you how to make sense of those instructions. Hereafter you should be able to cope well with those papers all by yourself. Happy sewing!"

Blog 477 - Knowing About Gesso
"I have had lots of people asking me about Gesso. When to use it. Why do I use it. How many coats are necessary, etc. Then Dala sent me a bottle of their own Gesso and naturally I set out to test it. I decided it would also be the ideal time to answer all of those privately asked question in a blog so everyone could be privy to the answers. Today's blog gives you the lowdown on Gesso."

Blog 478 - Baking Khachapuri from Georgia with a Sourdough Starter
"Khachapuri is a cheese pastry/bread from Georgia. It is a very rich dish where the cheese filling is baked inside a bread dough, resulting in a food parcel that is simply delicious. I share my own take on this traditional recipe with a couple of twists in the dough as well as the filling. One of these days I am also going to make cheesy garlic parcels for a braai using this recipe. I think that will be absolutely lovely! I use my sourdough starter as this always adds more flavour to the dough, but will give advice for using alternative raising agents as well."

Blog 479 - Art Therapy 5: Understanding Grief Part 5 of 8 - Depression, Reflection & Loneliness (Phase 4)
"There is probably not one of us who have not had to deal with the devastating effects of losing someone dear to us. Everyone grieves in their own way and it would be a cheap attempt to say that one formula fits all. Yet, numerous attempts have been made to identify the phases that people in grief pass through and seven have been agreed upon to be more or less universal. We will take a look at these phases in an attempt to gain some form of understanding for the process we are passing through. We take this journey in the form of an art journal, attempting to somehow find a means of dealing with the loss we have experienced and continue to experience still. In this fifth blog of the eight part series, we look at the fourth  phase identified, namely depression, reflection and loneliness.
This blog is co-authored by Marietjie Uys (artist) and Melette Els (therapist)."

Blog 480 - Art Therapy 5: Understanding Grief Part 6 of 8 - Upward Turn (Phase 5)
"There is probably not one of us who have not had to deal with the devastating effects of losing someone dear to us. Everyone grieves in their own way and it would be a cheap attempt to say that one formula fits all. Yet, numerous attempts have been made to identify the phases that people in grief pass through and seven have been agreed upon to be more or less universal. We will take a look at these phases in an attempt to gain some form of understanding for the process we are passing through. We take this journey in the form of an art journal, attempting to somehow find a means of dealing with the loss we have experienced and continue to experience still. In this sixth blog of the eight part series, we look at the fifth phase identified, namely the upward turn.
This blog is co-authored by Marietjie Uys (artist) and Melette Els (therapist)."

Blog 481 - Baking a Curry & Garlic Tray Bread Using a Sourdough Starter
"This bread is the perfect accompaniment to a potjie or a braai. You can determine for yourself how strong you want to make the filling, but I like it strong enough to feel it nibbling back without kicking me in the gut. Basically you stretch your dough into a tray and then you pour your filling over. Stick it in the oven and enjoy the results."

Blog 482 - Laying Out & Cutting Out a Pair of Pants
"We use a very simple pattern for making pants in today's blog. I then show you how to lay the pattern out on your fabric before we cut it out. In a following blog I will show you how easy it is to sew your own pants."

Blog 483 - Sewing a Pair Of Pants
"In yesterday's blog I showed you how to lay out the pattern for a pair of pants. We then cut the pattern out on fabric and I left off promising to show you how to sew the pants. My client changed her mind on the pockets and I could not include those in the blog, but here follows the directions for sewing this very simple pair of pants."

Blog 484 - An Introduction to Blackboard Paints
"Back in the day when I was in school, all the boards in the classroom were either painted black or green. Since then a whole range of fantastic colours have been introduced to the scene and local manufacturer, Dala, has a brilliant range of very high quality blackboard paints. They recently sent me a collection of these and I set out to test them to see if they held up. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they delivered even more than promised. In today's blog I'll introduce the paints to you, but watch out for upcoming blogs where I do loads of fun and creative things with the paints."

Blog 485 - Baking a Three-Flour Bread (Melette's Bread) with a Sourdough Starter
"While visiting a friend recently, she became so enthusiastic about the idea of a sourdough starter, that she insisted we immediately start one for her as well. As I was staying over for a few days, it seemed a brilliant idea and we set about doing just that. Naturally, she wanted us to bake a loaf of bread with it as soon as it was ready. In honour of my visit I rummaged through her grocery cupboard (with permission)  and put together the following recipe from what I found. It turned out absolutely delicious and I will definitely bake this one again. Fortunately, I had my camera at hand and snapped photos of the process as we worked."

Blog 486 - Art Therapy 5: Understanding Grief Part 7 of 8 - Reconstruction & Working Through (Phase 6)
"There is probably not one of us who have not had to deal with the devastating effects of losing someone dear to us. Everyone grieves in their own way and it would be a cheap attempt to say that one formula fits all. Yet, numerous attempts have been made to identify the phases that people in grief pass through and seven have been agreed upon to be more or less universal. We will take a look at these phases in an attempt to gain some form of understanding for the process we are passing through. We take this journey in the form of an art journal, attempting to somehow find a means of dealing with the loss we have experienced and continue to experience still. In this seventh blog of the eight part series, we look at the sixth  phase identified, namely reconstruction and working through.
This blog is co-authored by Marietjie Uys (artist) and Melette Els (therapist)."

Blog 487 - Art Therapy 5: Understanding Grief Part 8 of 8 - Acceptance & Hope (Phase 7)
"There is probably not one of us who have not had to deal with the devastating effects of losing someone dear to us. Everyone grieves in their own way and it would be a cheap attempt to say that one formula fits all. Yet, numerous attempts have been made to identify the phases that people in grief pass through and seven have been agreed upon to be more or less universal. We will take a look at these phases in an attempt to gain some form of understanding for the process we are passing through. We take this journey in the form of an art journal, attempting to somehow find a means of dealing with the loss we have experienced and continue to experience still. In this last blog of the eight part series, we look at the seventh phase identified, namely acceptance and hope.
This blog is co-authored by Marietjie Uys (artist) and Melette Els (therapist)."

Blog 488 - Cooking Sorghum Porridge
"Sorghum has been gaining in popularity for being a gluten free wheat as well as being fibre rich. Today's blog is a very short one in which I show you how to prepare a cheap option of this versatile grain in everyday porridge (pap)."

Blog 489 - Laying Out & Cutting Out a Layered Top
"Today we venture one step deeper into the world pf sewing when we make a slightly more adventurous top than in the previous blog. This is still a very easy pattern to sew. It has only a few more things to look out for, but I walk you through them step by step and in no time you will have a lovely layered top to add to your wardrobe. In today's blog we lay the pattern out on the fabric and then we cut it out. In a following blog we will sew it."

Blog 490 - Sewing A Layered Top
"In the previous blog I showed you how to lay out a pattern for a layered top. We then cut the pattern from fabric and I left off promising to show you how to sew the top. I do exactly that in today's blog. This top is slightly challenging  and it is very important to pay close attention to certain aspects, but I'll point these out as we proceed."

Blog 491 - Stenciling with Blackboard Paint
"There are few things as boring as an old-fashioned blackboard/chalkboard. Yet, it is very possible to turn even this mundane and boring piece of history into something funky, fun and fashionable. Today I turn an ordinary piece of wood (masonite) into a pretty blackboard, using a range of pretty and modern colours. The board is intended as an exercise board for my nephew who is learning to write. Instead of painting boring lines on the board, I paint the board in brilliant bands of colour. I then add a couple of cute images,still using Dala Blackboard Paint, which I stencil onto the board."

Blog 492 - Baking A Rye Pugliese With A Sourdough Starter
"This bread, that derives its name from the Italian town of Puglia, is not tradionally baked with Rye, but only half and half White Bread Flour and Whole Wheat Flour. I like the flavour and consistency that rye adds to the bread though, and add it for those reasons. I show you how to bake this delicious bread using a sourdough starter in today's blog. As always, I will give adivice for using alternative raising agents as well."

Blog 493 - Sewing A Top With A Yoke
"Today we continue our sewing lessons when we sew yet another top. This time we tack the fabric a little and add a yoke. I also alter the pattern ever so slightly when I add a sleeve to a sleeveless top. I show you how to plan and execute this step by step."

Blog 494 - Using Blackboard Paint To Paint And Decorate A Glass Bottle
"I have done more than one blog where I have shown you how to paint on glass bottles. We have used chalk paint which we distressed with wax, and on another occasion, we used chalk paint which we then decoupaged with Dala Acrylic Gel Medium. Today we put Dala Blackboard Paint through its paces when we paint a glass bottle and plastic lid with this versatile and vibrant paint. We then use the same paint to add fine decorative touches to the bottle."

Blog 495 - School Holiday Project 30: Discovering Blackboard Paint
"Dala sent me some of their range of blackboard paints, and being very chaffed with the results of my experiments, I could not stop talking about. It was inevitable that my 9 year old niece would overhear me and she promptly arranged a sleepover. As soon as she put her things down, she sidled up to me and with a sly smile demanded to know what we were going to do. I had a hunch that she had her own ideas about how to answer that question and asked for her opinion. Out popped the suggestion, prompt as anything, that we should try out my new paints. Good idea! It is always good to see how a child responds to a new medium and to observe how they approach it. That is why I left the exercise open-ended with only one instruction: Have FUN!"

Blog 496 - Baking Ciabatta With A Sourdough Starter
"Who does not love good old Italian Ciabatta? I, for one, can not get enough of this bread with its big holes and slightly chewy texture. The Italian word 'ciabatta' literally means slipper and that is where the bread gets its shape from. I show you how to bake this delicatessen in today's blog, using your sourdough starter. I will also discuss the use of other raising agents in the text."

Blog 497 - Combining 2 Patterns Into 1 Garment
"Have you also found that you liked something specific on one pattern, but you wished it was on another pattern? I find this very often and then I look for ways to combine the two. In today's blog, I use the peplums from one pattern and turn them into a collar for a jacket from another pattern. I show you what to look out for and how to go about in today's blog."

Blog 498 - Painting a Decorative Notice Board Using Blackboard Paint
"When you have two children in a household, it is simply impossible to make a gift for one and leave the other empty-handed. This is how I knew that painting writing board for my nephew would put me in debt with his sister. I wanted to make something similar, but aimed at her developmental level. It occurred to me that a notice board would be a great idea. She could simply use it as a chalkboard until she was old enough to use it for its intended purpose. The trick would be to get it to fit in with her Princess Sofia themed bedroom. I knew just what to do."

Blog 499 - Baking Extra Fiber Rusks
"I have shared a number of recipes for rusks with you, but I am always experimenting and recently perfected one of my newer favorite recipes. For this one I concentrated on adding extra fiber to the rusks to help with you know what. Not only does it serve its purpose, but it is delicious as well. Let me walk you through the recipe."

Blog 500 - Sewing a Travel Bag
"I was looking for a travel bag with compartments for easy packing, but could not find one. Another requirement I had, was that it should be able to fold away into a small space when I did not need it. Not finding what I was looking for, I decided to design and make such a bag for myself. I set out to do a couple of drawings and decided on a box shaped bag, extra large, with a sling and lots of pockets. This pattern, along with my other bag designs will be available soon for purchase from Amazon. I'll keep you informed via the blogs. In the meantime, I'll whet your appetite by showing you the steps."

Melette Els (Clinical Social Work) can be contacted via the webpage, or by email at, or by phone at 082 776 1536.
Melette Els B.A. (SocSc) M. (Th) 
BHF Pr Nr.: 089 000 00 28754 SACSSP Reg.Nr.: 10-17310

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy her books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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