Thursday, 8 October 2015

Make a Rabbit Cuddle Cushion - Sewing & Construction Part 3

We have been working on a Cuddle Cushion in the shape of a rabbit for the past two blogs and it is time we put the finishing touches on it. In part 1 of the blog series we designed the pattern. In part 2 we cut out the fabric and did some preparatory sewing and ironing. In this last blog we will do the appliqueing before constructing the rabbit and filling it with stuffing.
Click on the links to navigate easily between the three blogs in this series:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

To start the process, you need to set your sewing machine to a zigzag stitch and reduce the stitch length.

I start the appliqueing on the pupil of the first eye.

I then move the color of the eye.

Then I move on to the white of the eye.

With the first eye appliqued, I move on to the second eye following the same order.

I then applique all around the mouth, catching the teeth in the process and securing it more firmly.

The teeth remain loose and is only fixed at the top where it is attached to the mouth.

The last piece to be appliqued is the nose.

Fold the inner ears as shown so that the outer ears curl over to the front.

Pin the ears to the face.

Give the ears a stay stitch to fix them to the face.

Pin the arms to the face.

Secure the arms to the face with a stay stitch as well.

Fold the ears and the arms in. Lay the back of the head on the face with the right sides facing. Secure the pieces to each other with pins. Use lots of pins as the folded in ears and arms will want to push the pieces apart.

Carefully sew all around the head leaving only the chin open.

Turn the cushion right side out.

Fill the head with stuffing through the opening in the chin.

Fold the seams of the chin in and pin in place.

Sew the chin closed by hand.

Give the Rabbit Cuddle Cushion to a little girl to enjoy.

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Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.
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