Saturday, 15 August 2015

School Holiday Project 9: Bake a Monster in a Mug

Baking a monster in a mug is one of the easiest projects to do with kids and they always love it. I use a well-known recipe going around the internet under various names, but leave out the chocolate (unless someone wants chocolate cake!). Instead, I add flavoring and color. Let me walk you through the process quickly.

Each child gets a big mug and a small whisk. I prefer to spray the mugs with a non-stick spray before we start. After the addition of each ingredient the kids are to whisk their mixtures liberally.

Break one egg into each mug. Be prepared to fish egg shell out of the mugs afterward, but allow the kids to try this themselves.

Add 4 dessertspoons of milk to each mug. I let the kids hold the spoons and then I pour the milk. Even this way, you should expect spilling and uneven measurements. No worries. A cloth works wonders to clean up mishaps and the recipe is very tolerant of imprecise measurements.

Add four dessertspoons of oil to each mug in the same way as the milk was added.

Let each child take a pinch of salt between their fingers and add it to the mugs. Since their fingers are very small they may need to take a second pinch as well.

Allow the kids to choose the color of their cake. I was not surprised that my niece wanted pink ... again. I was surprised when my nephew did not choose blue or green, but opted for red instead. I also use this opportunity to let them smell different flavorings and allowing them to choose which they want to add to their mixtures. The coloring should be added to as intense or feint the child wants it. The flavoring should be added in 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoonfuls.

Add 4 tablespoons of sugar to each mug. Let the kids measure and count this themselves. Judge by the size of their spoons whether they should add one more or possibly even one less. Accuracy is unimportant.

Add a teaspoonful of baking powder to each mug. This is what will cause the cake to rise so much, turning it into a 'monster'. Add 4 dessertspoons of flour as well. Again the children should be allowed to measure this themselves.

Smaller children may require assistance with the stirring once the dry ingredients have been added.

The cake is prone to overflowing its sides. I recommend you put the mug on a small plate.

Microwave for about 3 minutes.

Halfway through the microwave process the 'monster' will make its appearance.

Do not let the kids handle the warm mugs from the oven.

Use a knife to loosen the cake from the sides of the mug and tip it out.

Allow the kids to decorate to their hearts' content. Stand back and enjoy the fun.

For more crafty ideas and great products, visit
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.
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