Saturday, 27 July 2019

ICAD 2019 Week 6 by Miekie Part 1

It is week 6 of the ICAD 2019 challenge and the prompts for this week was colour, colour wheels and colour charts. I was still having a whole lot of fun testing out my newly purchased Gelli Plate and I decided to once again prepare the index cards for this week by printing them on the Gelli Plate. If you are unfamiliar with a Gelli Plate, this is a good introduction, although I am not yet putting it through its paces, the way it is meant to be, and I have a whole lot more tricks up my sleeve where the Gelli Plate is concerned. In the next blog, we will take on the daily prompts and finish these cards, but for now, we'll just get them started.

This is what the Gelli Plate looks like in its packaging.

Be sure to remove both sheets of film from the front and back of the Gelli Plate when you remove it from its packaging.

Instructions for using it can be found on the back of the packaging.

I use these index cards for the ICAD 2019 challenge.

I put three dollops of gold, bronze and copper acrylic paint by Bianjo on the Gelli Plate.

I brayered the paint.

I stamped into the wet paint.

I also added some alphabet stamps, even though I knew that they would come out reversed on the card.

I was now ready to take a print.

The printed card for the thesaurus theme.

I then used acrylic ink by Dala and dolloped it onto the plate.

I brayered it.

I used a fondant embosser.

I gently touched it to the Gelli Plate.

I lay the card on the plate and rubbed in onto the print, cleaning my brayer in the process.

My second print for the botanical theme.

I put some black acrylic paint by Bianjo on the plate.

I spritzed it with water and brayered it.

I added silver paint.

After brayering it, I combed the wet paint, scgraffito style.

I changed directions and combed again.

Then I took the print.

This card would be for the theme 'clue'.

I started with Titanium White by Bianjo.

I brayered the paint onto the dirty plate.

I reached for yet another fondant embosser.

I used Adorondack ink by Ranger.

I inked the embosser.

I lightly touched the embosser to the plate.

The plate was ready for the print to be taken.

I took the print.

This index card was prepared for the theme 'colour chart.'

I started with Iris acrylic paint for the card themed 'blueprint.'

I used fondant cutters to stamp into the paint.

I wiggled the largest butterfly a little to make its lines more prominent.

I took the print.

This is what the print looked like.

I added a rose dollop to the half dirty plate.

I kept most of the blue at the top.

I took the print at the bottom of the plate.

The results so far.

I took the print again, this time at the top of the plate.

This card was prepared for the theme 'card catalogue.'

I again used the precious metal colours to start with.

I brayered the paint.

I added Buff Titanium. All of these paints are by Bianjo.

I then drew a chain link into the paint with the ball of a pewter tool. The theme for the card was keychain or charm.

I took the print.

The results.

I put the card back on different spots, running in various directions and took more prints of the ghost images left on the plate.

More prints being taken.

The result.

I now had seven backgrounds prepared for the challenge.

In the next blog, I show you how I finished these index cards.

You can watch a compilation video of the above steps on YouTube:

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
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