Monday 6 May 2019

Make Your Own Make-Up - Eyeliner

A firm favourite in my make-up box, is the eyeliner. It has the ability to turn the eyes from dull to interesting with the drawing of a few fine lines. It is with this in mind that I experimented a bit on making eyeliner, as I was busy making make-up this week. I was only going to make black eyeliner, but once I got started, I was having so much fun that I decided to make a couple of containers of coloured eyeliner as well. I show you how to do this yourself in today's blog.

You will need activated charcola capsules and Castor Oil.

To make coloured eyeliner, you will need colour pigment. For a natural brown, you need only add cocoa. To all of these you could add activated charcoal, if a deeper shade is desired.

Empty the capsules in a clean small bowl.

Add some castor oil to the charcoal.

Add it in small squirts, although quite a substantial amount will be needed.

Mix well.

I found the eyeliner to not be dark enough to my liking.

I then added some super black colouring gel and mixed well. I now had a much more intense black.

Write your labels.

My first attempt was more of a paste. I soon learned that it was much preferred for it to be more runny. Pour the eyeliner into a small container.

What it looks like in the container. You can apply the eyeliner with a small round paint brush, or a make-up brush.

I then made brown eyeliner using cocoa.

I added some activated charcoal to make the colour more intense.

I also used blue pigment mixed with activated charcoal.

My initial tests before I added the charcoal.

I kept adding charcoal until I was happy with the result.

I mixed a green with activated charcoal. I really liked this mixture as an alternative to my usual black.

I then mixed magenta and was amazed to find how blue it appeared.

The results of my experiments lined up.

You can watch a compilation video of the above steps on YouTube:

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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