Thursday, 25 April 2019

Product Test - Clear Gesso Trial Sample: Application 2 - Bible Journaling Sample 5

It is time to put the sample bottles of Clear Gesso, sent to me by a local manufacturer, to a real test. In today's blog, I finally dare to use Sample 5 in my Jounaling Bible. This is the sample that I liked best after putting it through some rigorous testing. However, this will not prevent me from testing the other sample in my Bible as well, as I liked that one almost as much as this one, and nothing is final until tested on the actual thin Bible paper it is intended for. I deliberately try to use a variety of products in these two blogs and share the results with you here. From the original Bybel Legkaart blog: "We keep looking at the laws and procedures that God had prescribed for the Israelites to follow, through Moses. I will stick to my norm of illustrating the text, but I also allow myself some leeway to decorate today's pages. I invite you to enjoy the journey with me today."

Leviticus 6 looks like this in the Inspire Praise Bible. I had already done extensive testing on both of the experimental products and found them very suitable for journaling, with 'test sample 5' being slightly better than 'test sample 6.' I decided it was time to test these on the thin paper of the Bible. In today's journal entry, I not only do the normal Bible Study and illustrations, but I also put test sample 5 to practical use. I therefore lather the two pages in Test Sample 5. For the first time since starting this journey, I am doing some chapters of the Bible out of sequence.

This is what the pages look like once the gesso has dried.

I also gessoed the pages preceding the ones I am working on.

And I have gessoed the pages following the ones I am working on.

The first passage in the chapter deals with fraud and restitution of 20%. This is a little challenging to illustrate and I opt to rather simply journal it in words. I start in pencil.

I then use a Sharpie marker and a fountain pen to add colour to the journaling.

It bothers me that I had not done the flow-over from the previous chapter yet, and I decide to journal this, even though it is not strictly speaking part of the chapter. This passage concerns defiling sacred property and the restitution that needs to be paid for doing so. I once again opt to journal it in words and again I use a Sharpie marker and a fountain pen.

The next passage in Chapter 6 deals with instructions for the burnt offerings. I decide to draw a flame and some logs for this illustration. I use a combination of Sharpie markers, ProMarkers and Mont Marte Adult Colouring Duo Markers.

I add more detail with another Shapie Marker, Mont Marte Marker and a Staetdler Fineliner.

The next passage deals with grain offerings and I simply draw a bushel of grain, tied together with a ribbon. I again use the Mont Marte markers.

The next part of the chapter deals with the ordination offerings, which included flour, mixed with olive oil. This is to be brought twice daily; in the morning and in the evening. I draw a bowl of flour and a jug of oil. I also draw a separation to indicate the different times of the day.

I then use my watercolour pans to paint the night blue.

I use a combination of metallic pens and Mont Marte markers to colour the drawings.

The sin offerings involved the shedding of blood, as this entailed animal sacrifices. I draw a single drop of blood with more blood spilled on the floor. I use Mont Marte markers for this.

Even though, I have now concluded the chapter, I decide to journal the start of the next chapter as well, as it still appears on these two pages. I am breaking some of my self-made rules here, but it is in the interest of the study I am conducting on the sample gesso's. The next passage deals with the guilt offerings, which involved the splattering of blood as well as the burning of the fat surrounding the internal organs. I decide to draw a traditional 'love heart' rather than an organ and the kidneys. I deliberately choose not to be too graphic when it comes to the depiction of the animal sacrifices. I once again make use of the Mont Marte Markers. Parts of the animal sacrifices were to be consumed by the priests. I include this information in my illustration by means of a pan on an open fire.

With the content of the pages journaled, I now devote the rest of my page to decorations. I choose to draw a butterfly with the Mont Marte markers.

I then add some loose-leafed flowers. Again I use the Mont Marte Markers.

I then add some protective shields behind my pages so that the next step does not spill over onto other pages.

I want to splatter some green ink on the background of the pages to create the impression of foliage. As I do not have any green ink, I decide to mix my own. I use Dala Acrylic Ink for this purpose. I mix a few drops of yellow with a single blue drop. I then add some white to make it a little lighter. Then I find a hard bristle brush with which to splatter the ink onto the page.

I simply bend the bristles of the brush under my finger to splatter the ink all over the page. This technique allows me a modicum of control over the process. The ink washes off your hands very easily while still wet.

Once the ink has dried, I add detail to the picture with some coloured fountain pens.

The completed pages alongside the test sample.

I page back to see if any of the products I had used had bled through, and find that it is not the case.

I also page forward to see if anything had bled through to these pages, but once again this is not the case. This is a truly remarkable product that I can hardly wait to see on the shelves and in my house!

The completed journal entry. I absolutely love this product and can hardly wait for it to hit the shelves.

You can watch a short compilation video of the steps above on YouTube:

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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