Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Product Test - Clear Gesso Trial Sample: Test 4 - Decoupage

One of the things I sometimes do in my journaling, is to decoupage, especially with serviettes. I wondered if I would be able to do this with the two sample products I had been given to test. Both were rather sticky in the drying phase and I suspected I might be able to do so. I put this theory to the test in today's blog. If this worked, it would open new worlds in terms of craft painting and art, for I sometimes use a combination of decoupage and paint on my mixed media works, but have found the regular decoupage mediums to be slightly resistant to other mediums. This gesso has proven itself very willing to accept other mediums and may very well open new doors in areas other than journaling. The photo I show is of an earlier work in which I combined decoupage with acrylic painting. I also used markers in these works.

I started by cutting some pictures from serviettes, after removing the backing paper from the serviette.

I then painted a page with Sample 5.

I was very impressed with how smoothly the serviette applied to the page. It was even easier to apply than with any of the regular decoupage mediums I use! I coated the serviette with Sample 5.

I then coated a page with Sample 6.

Once again I found that the serviette applied more smoothly than with regular decoupage mediums. I coated the picture with Sample 6.

Sample 5 dried beautifully and was glued down completely.

Sample 6 was equally successful.

I will be honest and admit that I would be hard pressed to use any of my regular decoupage mediums now that I have discovered these mediums, at least as far as serviettes are concerned. The results are incredible, albeit surprising! To top it all, it provides a friendly base to other mediums, making it so much easier to work with after decoupaging. I will need to explore the possibilities further in future by testing it on thicker papers, fabric, etc, but initial tests are very favourable.

You can watch a short compilation video of the steps above on YouTube:

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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