Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Product Test - Clear Gesso Trial Sample: Test 2 - Markers, Pens, etc.

In the previous blog I told you about being sent two sample products of Clear Gesso, by one of our local manufacturers, to test. I started the testing on paints and similar mediums and proceed the process in today's blog with markers, pens and other similar products.

The first products I put to test on Sample 5 are as follows: fountain pen, Sharpie Marker, ProMarker, Staedtler Triplus Fineliner, Giotto Turbo Glitter, Giotto Turbo Dobble. The last two, I also blew onto the page, as I know these pens to bleed through, especially when blown through a straw. They sat well on the gesso.

I then tested these on Sample 6 as well: fountain pen, Sharpie Marker, ProMarker, Staedtler Triplus Fineliner, Giotto Turbo Glitter, Giotto Turbo Dobble. The last two, I also blew onto the page, as I know these pens to bleed through, especially when blown through a straw. They sat well on the gesso.

Next up on Sample 5 was: Faber Castell Artist Pitt pens with different points, Pigma Micron pens, Mont Marte Adult Colouring Duo Markers, metal pens, highlighter pens and an actual Pentel highlighter. All sat well on Sample 5.

They worked just as well on Sample 6.

Then I tested the following on Sample 5: Faber Castell OHP-Plus Permanent, Faber Castell Multi-Mark Permanent, Faber Castell OH-Lux, Staedtler Lumocolor, Pentel Pen, Faber Castell Ecco Pigment, and a Posca marker. All applied effortlessly to the gesso in Sample 5.

I had equal success with Sample 6.

The next pens to test on Sample 5 were: Artline Markers, Sharpie Marker, Penfelx Projector Pen, a Bic pen, and a Schneider Max Universal non-permanent marker. All of these applied well to Sample 5.

And again Sample 6 was equally good.

I then tested some more pens and markers on Sample 5: a random orange pen without a name, a Brush pen, a gold Sharpie marker, an Art Therapy Marker, a Metallic Marker, a Penguin Permanent marker, and a chalkboard pen. All of these applied successfully to Sample 5.

They applied equally well to Sample 6.

I had some space left at the bottom of my page and tested some random 'pens' here: Fabric liner, Fabric pen and an Acryl pen. All of these are meant to be used on fabric, but applied well to Sample 5.

They also applied well to Sample 6.

An overview of Sample 5.

An overview of Sample 6.

The real test comes in the bleed through. Some of the products had bled through Sample 5, although only feintly. The Giotto products came as no surprise. However, most products did not bleed through, and I remained very impressed!

The Giotto products proved a challenge for Sample 6 as well. However, no other products had bled through Sample 6. At this stage, I was beginning to lean slightly towards favouring Sample 6. But my next battery of tests would prove Sample 5 to be the better of the two products.

You can watch a short compilation video of the steps above on YouTube:

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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