Friday, 22 February 2019

Cardmaking - Watercolours & Ink: Dancing Couple

Today's blog is a fun one. I show you how to draw your picture in ink with a dipped pen. We then paint the picture in liquid ink. Then we use Derwent Inkbars to continue the painting process. To finish it off, we splatter ink all over the painting. The we have even more fun with it by creating a large A4 sized card from the painting.

Use Dala Acrylic Ink and a dip pen to draw the figure of a dancing woman in free flowing lines.

Use a flat brush to pain the red ink in the dress.

Pink Golden Yellow onto the dress.

Add blue while the yellow is still wet, so that shades of green is created along with the blue being added.

Add a lighter shade of yellow.

I now turn to Derwent Inktense Blocks to paint the flesh parts of the body.

I use the Inktense Blocks to paint her hair.

Then I use a watersoluble grey pencil to draw the rough outline of a dancing partner.

I paint the mail figure in grey.

Then I wash the bakground in diluted Inktense colours.

I spilled some ink on my painting somewhere during the beginning of the project. I now incorporate this in my art by adding more ink splatters to the painting.

The finished painting.

I will now turn the painting into a large A4 size card. I find complimentary colours for the matting and card.

Fold the cardboard in half to form the card.

Crop the matting and the painting to fit the card.

Stick the painting to the matting.

Stick the matting to the card.

The finished card.

You can watch a short compilation video of the steps above on YouTube:

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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