Friday, 14 December 2018

Water Mixable Oils: Guitar

In the previous blog, I put the water mixable oil colours to the test to see what I could do with them and what I could mix them with. In today's blog, I attempt my very first ever project with the paints left on my palette after I had concluded the tests. Let me show you how I mixed oils and acrylics on one canvas.

I used heavy weight paper to paint this project on, as my tests had proven to me that the water mixable oils worked beautifully on paper.

I used an A4 sized paper and used an HB pencil to draw the design with.

I needed only a rough outline of a guitar.

These are the paints I am using in today's project.

I used a palette knife to scrape together all of the H2O colours on my palette, left over from the tests I had run for the previous blog. It gave me greyish brown.

I slapped this colour on my paper, all around my picture.

I added H2O Titanium White and got this beautiful soft blueish grey for my trouble.

I then used the blue left over on the palette from my traditional oil colours and applied this to all the shadow areas of the guitar. I used a palette knife throughout this project.

I then squeezed some red H2O from the tube and lathered this onto the guitar.

Then I decided to be brave. I used the remaining red acrylic, left on the palette, to fill in the gaps. The acrylic red is much more transparent than the oils, and it made for an interesting contrast. Here's to hoping it does not crack in time, as my doing so was in defiance of the fat over lean principle, explained more fully in the previous blog.

I then added black to the painting.

I kept working the painting until I was satisfied. The strings were 'painted' by turning the palette knife on its side and dipping it the paint. It was then touched to the painting to create the effect of light bouncing off the strings.

By the time I was finished, I had used up all of the paint on my palette.

The final painting.

You can watch a short compilation video of the steps shared above, on YouTube:

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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