Sunday 14 October 2018

Art Journal: Bloom in the Rain

It is a bit of a rough time at work and I have very little time to be creative. Yet, these are the times that I find that I need most to relax with my art supplies. I am therefore not coming up with anything original at this stage, but I am taking time to recreate pictures and ideas that have left an impression on me when I discovered them on the internet. Today, I share another one of these that made it into my black drawing book. Somehow, this once again turned into a mini journal page.

I start again on black paper, but this time I do not use a chalk pencil to do my drawing with. Instead, I use a white Rembrandt-Polycolor pencil.

I draw two very simple gumboots on the paper. Note that this pencil can also easily be erased, using a black eraser.

I then draw a simple flower arrangement to spill out of the boots, some rain drops, and a puddle on the ground.

I will be using Derwent Inktense to colour the picture. These come in pencils, as well as in...

... blocks. They are water-soluble, although I will not be making use of this feature for this project.

I start by colouring the boots a bright yellow.

I then colour the flowers white with orange and lime centres.

I colour the stems of the flowers, as well as the drops.

Lastly, I colour the puddles on the ground.

I then use a white Posca marker to write: 'Storms and rain wield a diverse crop of flowers. - Miekie.' I use the white pencil to fill the space on the page with a flower pot with more blooms spilling out of it.

The final double page spread.

You can also watch a short video compiled of the photos above at:

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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