Tuesday 24 April 2018

School Holiday Project - Hand Print Worms

Today's project is a super fun one to do with the little ones. We use their hand prints to create worms. They absolutely loved the idea! What I especially love about this project is that the 'mess' is contained. Wash the hands promptly after painting and there is no fuss in the clean-up.

You will need A4 paper or cardboard, paint, a brush and a little hand. You can use any liquid paint, such as craft paint, acrylic paint, or even fabric paint.

Have the children paint each others hands, or if they can manage it, they can each paint their own hand with the free hand. Paint the palm of the hand in one colour and the four fingers in another. Do not paint the thumb.

Press the painted hand down on the paper and hold it still. Lift without smudging.

Paint the hand again and press down on the paper.

Repeat a third time.

Fill in any empty spaces the hand may have left.

Paint circles to connect the palm prints.

Paint another circle to serve as the worm's head.

Draw antennae and shoes on the worm. The smaller kids may need assistance with this.

Paint the antennae and shoes. This youngster's brother joined us at this stage and wanted to participate as well.

The finished painting.

Another attempt. When he was done with the prints, he fetched the watercolours to have access to more colours when it came time to paint the antennae and shoes.

Another version of the same project.

The kids went wild with their own initiative after the worms were painted and insisted on adding clouds and suns, etc.

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
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