Tuesday 3 April 2018

Painting A Nude In Acrylics

While I was working on yesterday's abstract nude, I was also painting a more realistic version, at the same time. I decided to keep the backgrounds similar, but to change my tactics and style completely when it came to the figures themselves. For this painting, I paid much more attention to the detail of the lines, and to getting the light and shadows just right.

I once again started on a wooden box canvas.

This was given two coats of gesso and allowed to dry completely.

I found a line drawing on Pinterest to inspire me and drew a similar figure on the canvas with charcoal.

I used a variety of warm and cold colours to paint the background.

I did not mix the colours on the palette, but rather mixed it on the canvas.

I used a variety of colours to paint the rich skin tones.

Keeping this nude more realistic, I paid closer attention to where the light would fall on the figure, and which parts would be clad in shadow.

I repeated the colours I already had on the palette when I painted the hair.

The completed painting.

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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