Friday 23 March 2018

School Holiday Project: Dala Wonder Woman Kit

I won a Wonder Woman Kit from Dala! I love winning things, especially when they are arts or crafts related. I wasn't home when the parcel arrived home, as I was away on an extended holiday to the Namaqualand, but this delightful parcel was waiting for me on my return. My niece's sixth birthday was only a little ways off by the time I returned and I accordingly decided to include the Wonder Woman Kit with her birthday gifts. Her delight on receiving it, was heart-warming. The plans for her birthday party later in the day aside, she insisted I sat with her while she painted at least one of the two canvasses inside the box. The result was a phenomenal success and she had great fun mixing the colours herself. Dala is truly on to something wonderful here and I am looking forward to more designs along this vein! Let me show what is included in the box, and how a six year old made sense of it all.

The box had my little niece perplexed. She is not a Wonder Woman fan and wondered out loud why the girl was dressed in a panty and bra. I could not help laughing out loud.

The back of the box has very handy info for mixing colours. I pointed this out to my niece and drew her attention to the fact that there were smaller and larger dots. The smaller dots indicated that less paint of the colour in question was required, while big dots required more paint. I expected it to be necessary to help her with this, but found that she managed perfectly well without further assistance, paying close attention to the sizes of the dots when she mixed the colours all by herself.

The inclusion of a glitter pen, was a stroke of genius on Dala's end, and was by far the favourite item included, as far as my niece was concerned.

I always love coming across brilliant products manufactured in South Africa and I wish to pay homage to this fact.

When the box was finally opened, my niece was thrilled to find canvasses inside that resembled the ones I also painted on.

Brushes, palette and paints are all included. Along with the beloved glitter pen, of course.

The two canvasses included in the box.

Our little budding artist refused all help, and I ended up keeping her company only.

I thought the background might overwhelm her, but she even took to this with great gusto.

I dare to say that mixing the colours all by herself, may have been the greatest fun she had in the whole project.

The final work of art is a testament to a well researched and executed product from Dala. The intense fun experienced by my niece, can not be measured by any standard. I don't think she even realized how much she was learning in the process.

Our proud little artist with her first completed canvas! We are looking forward to many more!

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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