Saturday 12 August 2017

Sewing King Size Scatter Cushions

After sewing pillowcases for the scatter cushions that would be going into a cottage a friend was refurbishing, I had a good sized piece of fabric left over. As one of the beds was a King size bed with King size pillows, my friend suggested we turned this leftover fabric into scatter cushions to fit this bed. In today's blog I show you how to fit your scatter cushions to an 'odd' sized bed.

When I measured the leftover fabric, it was exactly the right length for a king size pillow. However, the width was not wide enough. We decided to cut the piece of fabric in half and to turn it into two narrow scatter cushions.

This time the cutting did not require such careful measuring.

I folded the fabric over with the right sides facing each other and pinned one short end as well as the long seam.

I then sewed the two seams.

I cut the corner away.

Turn the cushions right side out.

Luckily Lynette had a bag of filling ready to go into the cushions.

Fill the cushion sleeves with the filling.

Fold the open ends in and pin.

Sew the open end by hand for a neat finish.

The completed scatter cushion.

All of the fabric was used and these two cushions was a bonus!

Fisherman's Cottage is a charming cottage with a lovely view on the bay in Hondeklipbaai. If you ever find your way over there and are looking for a place to stay, you should consider Fisherman's Cottage as an option. For bookings, give Rina a call at 072 493 0757.

After all was said and done, it was decided to use the King size scatter cushions on the two single beds! I have to agree that it looks lovely though.

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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