Wednesday 5 July 2017

Travel Journaling: Using Your Adult Colouring Pictures Part 2

In the previous blog, I shared some tricks with you to speed up your adult colouring. In today's blog, I show you how to take those coloured pictures and then incorporate them into your travel journaling. The design we use is taken from my book Designs By Miekie 1.

I found these two pages that will work wonderfully with my colour palette as well as my theme. Both pages measure 12" x 12".

I start by cutting out the design I coloured in the previous blog as I want as much as possible of my selected craft paper to show.

I test the layout and colours against my selected papers now that the design is cut out and like what I see.

I use double-sided tape to secure the cut-out design to the craft paper.

The figure can be fixed in place, but the sign's positioning is dependent on where I will add a photo and it is not secured in place yet.

I select three more A4 sheets of paper to cut some layered frames from.

The frames are cut to the desired sizes for my photos and layered one on top of the other with double-sided tape. Each layer is cut 1 cm larger than the previous frame to create the layered and stepped effect.

I am still waiting for my photos to be developed, but I can already show you where I intend for them to go. The bus stop sign can also find its rightful place now.

I add a couple of 3D travel embellishments to my layout.

I also punch out the words Bon Voyage and mount this on a contrasting paper.

Only a scattering of more embellishments are added to complete the project. This time they take the form of fabric flowers.

The layout will be complete as soon as I add the photos! Easy as pie!

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great product reviews, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
If you are in a literary mood, follow Miekie's musings, stories and poetry on A Pretty Author - Miekie.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making life PRETTY.
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