Friday, 3 March 2017

Paint A Potted Tree Using Blackboard Paint

I am hard at work making Christmas gifts for the loved ones in my life. These include two little girls. I decided to paint a fun picture to decorate one of their rooms and as I was getting my material together, decided that I may as well do this in Blackboard Paint, as this would give it both decorative value, as well as being useful for drawing on. I show you a borrowed, but neat trick, for effortlessly painting those flowers in the blog.

I start this project on a masonite board that has already been prepped with coatings of gesso. The board measures 85 x 33 cm.

I use a pencil and a square to draw wide stripes on the board.

To make it a little more interesting, I change the direction of the stripes at (what will become) the bottom of the board.

I then draw a very simple pot inside the horizontal lines.

I draw the stem and branches for the tree. You may prefer to connect them, but it appealed to me to separate the segments with openings.

I then gathered my collection of Dala Blackboard Paint.

I painted every alternate stripe Teal.

Progress photo.

I then filled the remaining stripes in with Grey. I used a ruler to block off my colours, but you may prefer to use masking tape, which certainly is more secure.

Progress photo. I then went back and painted a second coating into each stripe!

I painted the whole pot Navy.

I then added the shaded areas on the pot, the sides and the inside rim, Black.

Then I painted the highlighted areas on the pot Blue. This will give your pot a nice rounded appearance.

None of the colours in my collection appealed to me for painting the tree. I decided to mix my own colour and started with Maroon and Green.

I added Teal and even more Maroon to get this colour.

I used the mixed colour to pain the tree.

I then poured some Pink on a paper plate.

I dipped the bottom of an empty soda bottle in the paint and dabbed it a little on the dry part of the plate, to make sure there would be no splashy drops.

I then touched the bottle to the board and lifted it straight up and away so as to not get any paint smears and smudges.

What a pretty little flower! When I was done, I decided that I wanted the petals slightly larger and so I enlarged mine with a brush. This is a matter of personal choice and you may not opt to do so.

A quick swivel of my brush and I painted centers for the flowers.

I then used the maroon to add another dimension to the flowers.

The finished product!

This board should be placed low down on a wall to give the impression of a pot standing on the floor, but also so the child can reach it to draw on it with chalks.

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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