Monday, 13 February 2017

Sewing Boy's PJ Pants With A Fringed Scarf

I find it marvelous to see how one can still make children's clothes from pieces of fabric that is way too small to make anything for an adult from. This is exactly what I did with today's piece of leftover flannel. I cut a pair of pajama bottoms from it for my nephew and then had a long thin piece left over that I could turn into a scarf. He looked like a little boxer! I show you how easy this quick project is to do in today's blog.

Last year, I made myself a pair of flannel pajamas and had only this tiny bit of fabric left over. The girls had all been getting clothes from my remnant fabrics, but there was little that I could make anything from for a boy. The flannel could be used for a boy, but there was only enough to cut short trousers from. Well, so be it then.

This was the only sensible layout the fabric would allow me. It left me with a long thin stretch of fabric on the side. I cropped that to turn into a bonus scarf.

I had some white fringe available to sew onto the scarf. I therefore put red thread in my bobbin and white thread in the needle.

I pinned the fringe to the ends of the scarf.

I set my machine to a multi-stitch zigzag.

And then it was as simple as sewing the fringe to the scarf. There is no need to hem edges, as the flannel will not fray. Simple, isn't it?

I sewed the center back seam of the pants, laying the back panels op top of each other with right sides facing.

I then lay the front panels on top of each other with right sides facing and sewed the center front seam.

I lined the back and front up at the crotch and pinned down the inner leg seams on both sides.

I sewed the inner leg seams starting at one hem and sewing right through to the other hem.

I then sewed both the outer leg seams.

I hemmed both trouser legs.

I then sewed a wide waist fold-over into which I would insert an elastic. Leave a space open to pull the elastic through.

Pull the elastic through the waistband using a bodkin.

Sew the ends of the elastic together.

You now have a sweet pair of pants and a scarf for a little boy.

Doesn't he look like a little boxer?

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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