Friday, 11 November 2016

Using Palette Knives To Paint Marigolds

Today's blog is still in response to the request for tips on using the palette knife. I use a different technique from those used in the previous blog when I paint a couple of marigolds, in an attempt to show you some of the versatility of palette knives.

This is a very small painting that I start on a pre-primed canvas. The canvas is A6 size, or 10,5 x 15 cm.

I start by painting the canvas in a mixture of Phthalo Blue and Titanium White acrylic paint. This serves as a very cool undertone for my painting.

I then mix Ultramarine Blue and Titanium White in oil colours.

I mix a very pale blue.

I use this colour for the background of the painting. At first I simply put a very thin layer of paint on the canvas so as to cover the surface.

I then scoop up more paint with my palette knife making sure to touch the pure blue and white in the process.

I now lay the paint down in thicker strokes, creating a bit of texture and subtle shade differences in the background.

I then choose a very vibrant yet deep Prussian Green.

I mix this with my previous colours to get a bluer and more opaque green.

I dip the tip of my palette knife in this colour and then touch it the canvas in a definite pattern to create leaves.

I drag the same colour ever so slightly to make heads for the flowers, as well as stems.

One is capable of extremely precise painting with a palette knife. I continue my background to the bottom of the painting. Note how using the knife allows me to paint right up to the other colours.

I continue painting leaves, before interrupting myself to get the flowers in place. After all, they are the focus point of this painting!

I will use a pale Cadmium Yellow and Cadmium Orange to paint the flowers.

I choose a palette knife with the desired tip shape to dip in the paint an touch to the canvas. I work alla prima, meaning wet paint is applied to wet paint. Any smudging will result in mixed and muddy colours.

Once the yellow has been painted, I repeat the same steps, laying the orange on top of the yellow. I also fill the centers of the flowers with small dabs.

Progress photo. I now need to add the rest of the leaves.

I continue the leaves exactly as I did with the first ones.

I then use the pure Prussian Green to add shadows to the leaves.

I mix white with a hint of yellow for the light reflections in the painting.

I add the highlights to the painting. I use smudges of the colours I've used to create the impression of a continuing garden in the background, yet out of focus.

I dip the side of the palette knife in the orange paint and sgraffito my name into the painting.

Marigolds is available from Marietjie Uys at Oil on stretched canvas, A6 size, or 10,5 x 15 cm. R120.

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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