Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Homegrown Stirfry

There are some veggies that are truly South African and probably available in every house at just about any give time. In today's blog, I show you how to make a delicious stirfry with these everyday vegetables, without compromising anything on the quality or taste of the dish.

Finely chop 2 onions. I want to state right at the start of this blog that I love veggies and probably add a little more that the average person would. If you like your stirfry with a little more meat and a little less veggies, feel free to adapt the quantities to your liking.

Fry the chopped onion with 2 teaspoons (10 ml) crushed garlic.

Add roughly 500 g minced meat and fry in a wok or frying pan.

Add 1 teaspoon (5 ml) each of the following: salt, black pepper, thyme, mint, sweet basil and cinnamon.

Peel 2-3 fresh carrots.

Roughly grate the carrots and add it to the frying pan.

Peel 4-5 medium sized sweet potatoes.

Roughly grate the sweet potatoes. Add this to the frying pan.

Roughly chop a green pepper and add it to the frying pan.

Slice some baby narrows and add these to the frying pan. I used about 6-7 of these.

Shallow fry everything in an open pan until the veggies are softened but still slightly crunchy. Do not put a lid on the pan as this will cause steam to build up, altering the cooking process and the outcome of the dish.

Add 30-50 ml sweet and sour sauce.

Continue frying until done.

This dish is delicious when served on rice or noodles.

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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