Friday, 22 July 2016

Wellness Journal 5: Remaining Present In Your Own Life

If there is one thing we are all good at, it is imagining a future. There is nothing wrong with that, but when those dreams of a future stops us from living life in the present, it can become a problem. Today's entry into my Wellness Journal is all about choosing to live life in the here and now with what is real right now.

Today's entry is not done in the form of a poem, but is written in paragraphs to read as an essay. I start with 'n pencil version which can easily be edited.

The essay is then rewritten in pen and the pencil marks are erased.

Finally, the journal entry is complete, titled Remaining Present In Your Own Life

We live with so many what if's and if only's, that we often forget how to remain present in the lives that we have. We focus on what we will do once a certain goal is achieved, forgetting that there is plenty to do in the interim.

"One day, when I've lost my excess weight, I will also be able to enjoy holiday's on the beach."
"One day, when the house is paid off, I will also be able to go on holiday."
"One day, when I meet my soulmate, I will also be able to feel complete and whole and happy"
"Once I get that promotion ..."
"Once the kids are out of the house ..."
"Once I retire ..."

We live every day in the hope that some future day will arrive.But, what if instead, we decide to remain present in today, in the life we already have? Would our new list not free us from wearying burdens?

"Today, although I am overweight, I will enjoy the beach."
"Today, burdened under a home loan, I will take a short trip to a neighbouring town, have a picnic, relax, see the sights."
"Today, all on my own, I will choose to be happy and whole."
"Regardless of whether I get the promotion or not, I will ..."
"While the kids are still in the house, I will ..."
"Even before I retire, I will ... remain present in the life I have now."

For the art part of the journal entry, I opt to include a blank page from Dala Sketch Pad. Not only do I then not have to contend with lines on the page, but the paper is also heavier and able to withstand watercolours better.

I start by planning my drawing in pencil.

I will use Derwent Aquatone to colour the drawing, before painting it with my Pentel Aquash Brush.

My illustration has been divided into two halves. In the first half, the present, my rainbow is coloured with the full spectrum of the rainbow colours.

In the second half, the future, the rainbow is coloured in shades of blue. These are only dreams, as tangible and easy to hold onto as clouds in the sky.

I now use the Pentel Aquash Brush to paint the water-soluble pencil.

My figure is also living with one half of her in the future and only one half in the present. The half that is in the future, is coloured in shades of blue.

The half of my figure that is living in the present, is coloured in a variety of warm colours.

I have depicted my figure as holding a ball in her hands. This ball represents my life. I can move it into the future and live a life of what  if's and if only's, or I can move my figure into the present, living life to the full in the moment.

I define the future side of the illustration by outlining it with a fibre tip pen, writing the word "Future" in this space.

I use a variety of colours to outline the present half of the illustration, writing the word "Present" in this half.

I then write the word "Life" inside the ball. It is our own lives we are playing with after all and we have the ability to determine where it goes.

I now need to crop the illustration to fit in the art journal.

I stick the page in using double-sided tape.

Sitting back, I decide that the page is not pretty enough. I will add a frame to pretty things up a little.

I use Washi Tape to construct a frame for my illustration.

I then also add a strip of the same Washi Tape to anchor my text to the illustration by means of repetition.

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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