Saturday, 9 July 2016

Using Dala Chalk Paint To Paint A Picture Frame Using A Sponge

For today's blog, I am going to take an untreated wooden frame and paint it with Dala Chalk Paint. What I love about this paint, is that you can use it on a variety of surfaces without having to bother with treating the surface first. I start with a base coat and then show you how to apply top coats, wiping away most of the paint with both dry and wet sponges.

This wooden frame had been floating around for a long time and it was high time we gave it a new look.

I painted Dala Chalk Paint directly onto the raw wood, opting for Burgundy as my colour choice. This layer of paint was very roughly painted with a hard brush.

The inside of the frame was painted Charcoal. This time I used a smaller brush.

These two coilours served as my base and I waited for it to become touch dry only.

I then used a dry sponge to wipe Dusty Pink onto the Burgundy. The dry sponge wipes away any excess paint I may want to apply, ensuring that the bottom coat remains visible. This sponge came from a tablet bottle and isn't something I bought specially.

I waited for the Dusty Pink to become touch dry.

This close-up shot allows you to see more clearly the effect I have achieved thus far.

I then rinsed the sponge in clean water.

I dipped the damp sponge onto the inside top of the White bottle. The damp sponge absorbs even less paint than the dry one and thins the paint it does pick up.

I washed the whole frame, the pink and the charcoal, with the white sponge.

This close-up shot show more clearly the effect I was trying to achieve.

I waited for this layer to become touch dry.

Normally I would wait at least 24 hours before applying the wax, but I wanted to wipe away some of the paint and expose the wood in a couple of places. I could wait to sand the paint down the next day, or I could work the wax on hard with a sponge with a relatively wet paint job. I chose the latter method.

The wax serves to seal the paint and extend the life of the frame.

Here you can see how slightly I wiped away the paint. If you want a more extensive effect, I suggest waiting 24 hours and sanding the paint away.

The finished product!

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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