Friday 24 June 2016

Baking Wholewheat Buchy With A Sourdough Starter

This popular breakfast bread originates from the regions of Poland and Germany. It is slightly sweet and makes for a wonderful meal with an early morning cup of coffee. Traditionally it is baked with White Bread Flour only, by I add a cup of wholewheat flour for taste. This way I loose none of the tender softness of the bread, but I gain loads in flavour. As always, I bake it with my sourdough starter as raising agent, but I'll give tips for using alternative raising agents in the text.

Find a large mixing bowl and add the following: 3 cups (750 ml) White Bread Flour, 1 cup (250 ml) Wholewheat Brown Flour and 1 teaspoon (5 ml) salt.

Add a third cup (80 ml) castor sugar. Mix the dry ingredients well. If you don't have castor sugar, simply add white sugar. If you have a coffee grinder or similar machine, you can put the sugar through that to refine it, if need be, but it won't be the worst thing if you used plain everyday sugar.
Option 1: If you are using Instant Dry Yeast, you should add a packet to the dry ingredients.

Add a cup of your Sourdough Starter to the mixing bowl.

Melt 100 g butter. Fill the measuring jug up to the 250 ml (1 cup) mark with lukewarm milk. (Or fill the measuring jug up with cold milk and then heat it in the microwave).
Option 2: If you are using Active Dry Yeast, add a packet to the lukewarm milk and wait for it to froth, before adding the butter to the milk.

In the meantime, Add 3 eggs to the mixing bowl. Start bringing the dough together before you add the warmed milk and butter. If you pour these directly onto the raw eggs, the protein will start to cook, which will be detrimental to the process.

Now add the milk and butter and continue bringing the dough together.

Knead the dough for about 10 minutes until it turns into an elastic dough ball.

Return the dough to a clean bowl and cover with plastic. Allow to rise to double its size in a warm dry place.

Once doubled in size, knock the dough back by kneading it for another five minutes.

Prepare a square pan with non-stick spray and coat the bottom with flour. Divide the dough into 16 equal sized balls. (Round tins will work just as well, if you don't have a square one).

Place the dough balls in the tin.

Cover with plastic and allow to rise in a warm dry place.

Hasn't these filled out beautifully?

Melt 50 g butter.

Pour the butter over the dough.

Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for about 30 minutes.

Turn out on a wire rack to cool. To ensure a soft crust, I dampen a clean kitchen towel and place it on top of the hot bread. You will notice steam arising from the towel.

Once cooled, sprinkle a little bit of castor sugar over the buns before separating them.

Separate the buns and enjoy with coffee.

They are brilliant with butter and preserves as well. On cold mornings (and when they are not fresh from the oven) you can even toast them.

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy her books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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