Wednesday 18 May 2016

Baking a One Each Loaf with a Sourdough Starter

This is a very tasty loaf that gets 1 cup each of four different types of flour. Add to that your sourdough starter to make it rise, and you have one of the most flavorful loaves you will ever eat, aside from the ones you add fruit and other ingredients to. This recipe is one I return to regularly for our everyday household bread and I am sure you will too, once you've tried it.

Add 1 cup (250 ml) each of Oats, White Bread Flour, Brown Bread Flour and Cake Flour to a mixing bowl.

Add 2 tablespoons (25 ml) sugar and 2 teaspoons (10 ml) salt to the bowl. Mix all the dry ingredients together.
Option 1: If you are using Instant Dry Yeast, instead of a sourdough starter, add one packet to the dry ingredients.

Melt 50 g butter/margarine. Warm 1/2 cup sour milk to lukewarm. Add the butter, the milk, 1 lightly beaten egg and a cup (250 ml) sourdough starter to the dry ingredients.
Option 2: If using Active Dry Yeast, add a packet to the lukewarm milk and allow 10 minutes to froth up.

Bring your dough together.

Knead on a a floured surface to an elastic ball.

Place in a clean bowl.

Cover with plastic and allow to double in size in a warm dry place.

Prepare a bread tin with non-stick spray and flour.

The risen dough will look like this.

Knock the dough back by kneading it for a few minutes.

Shape into an oblong.

Put the dough into the pan and make sure to work it into the corners. I flattened mine on top as I wanted a flat top.

Cover with plastic and allow to rise in a warm dry place.

The risen dough will look like this.

Paint with an egg yolk.

Sprinkle some oats onto the egg for decorative purposes.

Bake in a preheated oven for 50-60 minutes at 220 °C. If you hear a hollow sound when tapping on the bread, it is done. Let it sit in the pan for 5 minutes.

Turn out on a wire rack.

Cover with a clean damp cloth to soften the hard crust (unless you prefer it crusty).

Serve with your favorite condiments. I love a strong cheese and farm butter on mine. Or fresh honey. Or both! Mouthwatering!

Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy her books here:You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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