Thursday 21 April 2016

Art Therapy 2: Birds of Release Session 3 of 3

This blog series, in three parts, covers a wide range of crafts when we pretty up three bird die-cuts, namely mosaics, decoupage and painting. However, we take the process even further when we use these birds as catalysts to deal with our own issues regarding forgiveness and release. In the process we help you to delve into areas you may have been avoiding and we attempt to help you create a pathway towards release and healing. This blog is not to be missed for either creative input, or therapeutic value. The third of these blogs uses painting to help you find direction for your own life.
This blog is co-authored by Marietjie Uys (artist) and Melette Els (therapist).

For the last session, we once again start with a blank canvas. This time however, we do not need any outside assistance to create the image we want to paint of ourselves. No mirrors or grout, no paper and scissors. Nobody else can decide who you are, or should be! It is easy to conform to the standards that the world, or peer groups, expect of us. Who do you want to be? Why is this who you want to be? How will it affect your life if you choose to be the person you want to be? This time we take the pencil in hand and make an outline of the picture we want to paint. We use an eraser to make sure those lines run exactly where we want them to be and we keep working this outline until we are 100% satisfied with how it looks.

Now you get to choose your own colours for painting your life. Don't feel you need to follow my dictation. I will give you the names of the colours I used in case you like them and want to use them as well, but the whole idea is to find what you love and to paint the picture the way you like it. Choose colours that represent something to you. When selecting a colout, ask yourself why you chose that particular colour. What does this colour mean to me? What does it say about who I want to be? I paint the body of my bird Permanent Light Green by Dala.

The wings and dimples are painted Permanent Light Red by Dala.

The tail and beak are painted Permanent Deep Yellow by Dala.

The colour of the eye is painted Ultramarine Blue by Dala.

I then use Titanium White for the white of the eye.

I use Lamp Black by Dala for the pupil of the eye.

As I have been using Acrylic Paint, it dries very quickly. I then use a brush tip Posca Marker to firmly outline the drawing I have planned for my life, i.e. the bird.

Then I use Pearl White by Iris to add some sparkle to my life.

Do not forget the white dot in the eye. This is a life of faith, hope and love, and that is how I choose to live it. Take a bold stand, declaring firmly what you want to be in life and how you want to live your life. Changing only your own image of yourself, the way you see yourself, can be the beginning of a totally new direction for you.

With all three birds completed, we look back on a journey where we had to rebuild a warped image, replace our pain with good things, and paint a new life. You have come a long way. Do not hesitate to do this as often as you need. Everyday is a brand new canvas. If you need a restart, take time out and shape your life the way it was meant to be.

Melette Els (Clinical Social Work) can be contacted via the webpage, or by email at, or by phone at 082 776 1536.
Melette Els B.A. (SocSc) M. (Th) 
BHF Pr Nr.: 089 000 00 28754 SACSSP Reg.Nr.: 10-17310

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Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.
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