Monday 29 February 2016

Paint and Decoupage Empty Jars

I love taking things out of its original packaging and putting it in pretty containers. This is true for my studio, the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc. For this reason, I wash empty jars that have an interesting shape. I love the coffee jars that have a square shape to them as they pack away so neatly. I had two more empties today and decided to paint and decoupage them.

I washed and cleaned two empty coffee jars. I also got myself a large flat brush with soft bristles and a Tuscany Chalk Paint by VanDaniQue.

I have done a previous blog about painting bottles with Chalk Paint, but at that stage it was still very much experimentation on my part. In the meantime, I have had some preschoolers in to paint their own bottles and the three bottles have been in constant use in the kitchen. I mention this, because I had some misgivings about how well the paint jobs would last. I am very impressed! Read that blog here.

I prefer to turn the jars upside down when I paint them. The simple reason is that I can then paint the bottom as well. Start by painting the first coating and allow to dry.

You can even paint the plastic lids with this brilliant paint.

Give the bottles a second coating of paint.

On the left you can see the jar that has had a second coating. The jar on the right has only had one coating and is still very transparent by comparison. I recommend painting at least two coatings, and possibly even a third.

The lids also need a second coating.

I am now going to decoupage some pretty pictures onto the jars. You can either use Modge Podge to do this with, or you can buy the much cheaper version of Acrylic Gel Medium. Both work equally well.

Paint the back of the pictures with your medium. Cover the surface well.

Place the picture on the jar (my jar is still upside down), rub out all air bubbles and creases, and paint another layer of gel medium over the picture to seal it. Allow to dry.

Once the gel medium has dried, you should paint 2-3 layers of VanDaniQue Varnish over the whole bottle.

Wait between coatings for the previous layers to dry.

The lids should also receive varnish coatings.

The 'front' view of the jars.

A 'back' view of the jars.

For more crafty ideas and great products, visit
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.
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