Friday 5 February 2016

Mixing Peppermint Fondant

Someone shared a recipe for a deliciously looking peppermint fondant on Facebook not to  long ago. The recipe caught my attention and I opened the link to read some more. When I saw that it did not require any cooking and could be mixed with stuff I already had in the house, I knew I was going to make it. I am happy to share my findings with you in today's blog.

Here is the photo that accompanied the post.

And here is a copy of the original post:
Cecilia BedserFollow
Keer terug na jou sorgelose kinderdae met diƩ outydse soetgoed presies soos Ouma dit gemaak het.
Maak: omtrent 40
Bereidingstyd: 20 minute, plus droogtyd
• 250 g (480 ml) versiersuiker
• 35 ml room
• 5 ml pepermentgeursel
• groen of ander koskleursel van jou keuse
1 Sif die versiersuiker in ’n bak en voeg ’n knypie sout by. Roer die room en geursel by. Meng goed en knie tot glad. Voeg nog ’n bietjie room by, indien nodig.
2 Verdeel die mengsel in twee. Kleur een deel met ’n druppel groen koskleursel en los die ander deel wit.
3 Rol dit in klein bolletjies en laat dit op ’n gevoerde bakplaat staan om uit te droog en hard te word. Jy kan die mengsel ook in ’n lang, dun wors rol en in skyfies sny.
Wenke vir perfekte lekkergoed
• Party soorte lekkergoed is ’n uitdaging om te maak, maar jou kans op sukses is veel groter as jy ’n suikertermometer het om die temperatuur akkuraat te meet.
• Volg altyd die resep en meet die bestanddele akkuraat af. Moenie enige van die bestanddele uitlaat of met iets anders vervang nie.
• Wees baie versigtig wanneer jy met suikerstroop werk. Dit is vuurwarm en kan ernstige brandwonde veroorsaak.
• Moenie lekkergoed op ’n baie bedompige dag maak nie. As daar te veel vog in die lug is, sal die lekkers nie behoorlik stol nie.
• Lekkergoed moet altyd in ’n lugdigte houer bewaar word. **
(Bak en Babbel)
I decided to double the recipe and sifted 500 g icing sugar. There are few things as annoying as clumpy icing sugar!

I added 70 ml cream to the icing sugar.

Then I added 10 ml peppermint flavour to the mixture.

I mixed all of this together with a spatula.

Then I got my hands in there and started to bring it together. I found it a little dry.

Instead of adding extra moisture, I decided to divide the mixture in two first.

I then added about 5 ml more cream to the mixture that was NOT going to be colored.

And I added about 5 ml green coloring to the other half of the mixture. This should add enough moisture to both mixtures to bring it together, but if it doesn't, add more cream one droplet at a time.

Once the mixture is kneadable, it is ready. This is the uncolored mixture.

I crumble the colored half first to make it easier to distribute the color evenly.

Then I bring it together in a kneadable ball.

I flatten the first half with my hand into a rectangle. I probably should have used a rolling pin.

I do the same to the second half of the mixture.

Then I lay the two on top of each other.

I divide the rectangle into even strips.

Then I divide it into even squares.

I bring the squares together tightly by gently squeezing them between my fingers.

I have visions of all the pretty things I could do with this in cake decorating!

The recipe actually suggested rolling the fondant into balls.

When packing them away, I sprinkled some icing sugar in between the layers to keep them from sticking to each other.

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Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.
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