Sunday 11 October 2015

Custard Slices

In today's blog we will be making some very easy and quick custard slices. These are a great alternative for teatime or it can be used as a dessert. It is so easy to make that I opted to do it with the help of two preschoolers. I use the word 'help' very liberally when it comes to preschoolers, but we all had tons of fun.

Separate two eggs. Whisk the yolks.

Beat the whites to form stiff points.

Heat approximately 1 L milk on the stove top. (I did not measure the milk and my two helpers simply royally poured the milk in the pot).

Scoop approximately 3 heaped tablespoons of custard powder in a bowl and mix it with a little bit of milk.

Add two teaspoonfuls of vanilla essence to the heated milk.

Add the custard mix to the boiling milk and whisk very quickly to prevent clumps and burning.

Remove the custard from the heat and add between 1/4 to a 1/2 of sugar. This is to personal taste.  Stir the sugar in.

Add the egg yolks and beat very quickly. Put it back on the stove top for a minute or two stirring continuously. Remove from the heat.

Add the whites and fold into the mixture.

Spray a glass bowl with non-stick spray and layer the bottom with Tennis Biscuits.

Carefully pour the custard over the biscuits.

Put another layer of biscuits on top of the custard. Put it in the fridge to set and to cool down.

Scoop 3 - 4 heaped tablespoons of icing sugar in a bowl. Add a little bit of water at a time until you the mixture runs smoothly. Be very careful of adding too much water, it turns runny very quickly.

Pour the icing over the biscuits. Put it back in the fridge until ready to eat.

The biscuits will have softened sufficiently to allow cutting. Enjoy!

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Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.
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