Sunday, 21 June 2015

Transferring an image from paper to fabric

I've had this fabulous paper in my paper stash for a few years now and have always been reluctant to use it because I loved it so much. Have you experienced the same? I found the perfect craft for it though when I was looking for a design for two panels for a handbag I was making. This design would be perfect! But how to get it from paper to fabric? No fear, there is a great product on the market for this purpose; Dala's Picture Perfect!

I cut the paper to the desired size, in this case the size of the fabric panel. A metal ruler and craft knife works well.

Layer the Picture Perfect thickly onto the paper. I used a wide flat brush.

Lay the paper right side down on the fabric.

Use a roller to make sure that all air bubbles are worked out and nothing is left trapped between the paper and the fabric. Leave it to dry for at least 6 hours! This is very important.

After 6+ hours of drying, iron on the fabric side of the sandwich. Leave it to cool down completely.

Lay the sandwich with the fabric side on the bottom in a tray.

Wet a towel thoroughly (drip wet).

Lay the dripping towel on the fabric side of the sandwich. Leave it to soak for about 10 minutes.

Rub the paper off the back of the fabric. Work carefully.

I found it useful to wet the fabric-paper combo a second time when mine looked like this.

After a second wetting and rubbing mine looked like this. In the next blog I will show you how i turned this into a fun handbag, complete with decoupage and stamping added to the process.

For more crafty ideas and great products, visit
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.
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