Saturday, 23 May 2015

Handbags and Wallets Part 17 Art Bag Republished

I have published the instructions for making this bag in previous blogs. I wanted to show you a variation, though. This time I did not paint the fabric panel, but restricted the painting to the handles. Isn't it amazing how the results differ from one bag to the next? You can download the pattern for this bag here. The handles are available here. Or simply visit

Painting the handles
I start on the handles, because the need to dry thoroughly before being attached to the bag. There are four drying times during the painting process. This leaves you with plenty of time to start on the sewing in between. I give the handles a gesso coating to prepare the surface. This is not always needed on wooden objects, but the handles on a handbag will be handled a lot and I want to take every possible precaution against the paint peeling. Gesso will assist in allowing the paint to adhere to the surface. I use a wide flat brush for the gesso. Allow the gesso to dry completely before continuing. I want to remind you that these handles are available for purchase in Click here to purchase the handles.

I now mix a drop of Cadmium Red Medium Hue to a big dollop of Titanium White Acrylic Paint. This give me a very pale pink which is exactly what I am looking for. I use a palette knife to mix the colours. Never use your brush to mix paints, since the paint will clog the area where the bristles are attached to the handle and it will ruin your brush.

I use a flat brush to paint the pair of handles on both sides. Allow the paint to dry completely before continuing.

I now want to retouch the edges of the handles with Ivory Black paint. I use a narrow flat brush for this purpose.

With the preparatory work done, it is time to for the fun to start. I gather my brushes and paints together.

I use a normal HB pencil to draw the outline of the design very faintly on the handles. I repeat the same design on all four sides of the handles.

I am going to start on the flowers which will be painted in Alizarin Crimson and Buff Titanium. I use a smallish Filbert brush to paint the flowers and leaves with.

I paint the flowers with the Alizarin Crimson on all four sides of the handles.

I put highlights in the flowers with the Buff Titanium.

I am now going to paint the swirly stems with Payne's Grey which has a blueish undertone. I use a Rigger brush to paint lines with. If you do not own a Rigger, you can also use a round 0 brush.

I use Prussian Blue on the leaves. I use this same colour to add shadow to the flowers. I once again use a Filbert brush for the leaves.

Lastly I add a little bit of Buff Tatanium to put highlights in the leaves. Here I once more use the Rigger or Round 0 for the highlights

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