Tuesday, 24 February 2015

How to fold a neat corner

Have you ever covered books or gifts and gotten yourself into a jam with the excess paper on the corners? Or maybe you were sewing something that made a right angle somewhere, perhaps a table cloth or a curtain, and you had to struggle with a thick wad of fabric on the corner. Let me show you a quick and easy solution to folding neat corners.
I am going to use a piece of paper that has one printed side and one white to show the steps more clearly. This lovely printed cardboard is available in store.

Fold your corner in as pictured. This can be as wide or as narrow as you choose. It works brilliantly on any depth.

Fold one side of your paper over, as illustrated.

Now fold the other side of your paper over.

Press your foldlines flat and you are done. Easy as that! You can of course fold more than one corner at a time, depending on the intended outcome of your project.

This method works just as well on fabric, as the following series of photographs show. You can always pin the folded sides down, especially when working with larger and heavier pieces of fabric.

A Pretty Talent online store is happy to bring you handy tips to help you develop your talent for making pretty things.

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