Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Guidelines to the Art Gallery

Gallery Guidelines

Please take note:  All work has to be the original work of theartist.  A Pretty Talent will not acceptor share responsibility for plagiarism or copying in any form of another person’swork, regardless the format.

Follow these simple steps to have your work displayed in the Gallery on APrettyTalent.com.
Send an emai to gallery@aprettytalent.com with the following information:
  1. The name under which you market your art;
  2. 5 Good quality photos (do not reduce the pixels to make the files smaller) of your completed works (1 photo each of 5 pieces):
2.1            Youshould pick 5 photos.  If I require more,I will ask.  Do not send more than five;
2.2            Photosmust be taken in good lighting conditions. Get as close as possible to the photo. The painting should fill the whole frame of the photo, preferablytouching all 4 sides in the lens.  Ifthis is not possible, the photo should be cropped on the computer;
2.3            No partof the painting may be cut off from the photo;
  1. If the files are too big to fit into one email, you can send more than one email;
  2. The title and details of each work must be clearly indicated (size, weight, framed/unframed, medium(s), surface, price plus 25% commission, any other relevant information (such as inspiration etc.);
  3. 2 or 3 sentences about yourself as artist;
  4. The subject line of the email must be your Artist name.
  5. We charge 25% commission on sales of work.
  6. If you sell the work privately, we require that you inform us immediately so that we can keep the stock registers current. You can use the same email to send me a photo and the detail of another piece you would like to put in the Gallery.
  7. The art remains with you and if it is sold, I will arrange with you to have it delivered either to A Pretty Talent, or to the client. Packaging, posting/delivery is to be paid by the client/buyer and is automatically calculated at checkout.
  8. From time to time, I will approach artists whose work is featured in the Gallery, to write a few paragraphs about themselves, which I will then post in this blog.  These artists then become the Featured Artists and we actively work towards promoting them and their works on various websites, social media and other platforms.  The artists will be informed of these actions.
  9. We reserve the right to market your work as widely as possible.
  10. If your work is selected for display in the Gallery, you must create an account on the shop.  This does not require any money.  It will simply ensure that we have all the necessary contact and shipping details on file when orders are placed.  You will be given an option to receive promotional material from the site.  You are welcome to untick this option, if that is your preference.  However, your own work may also appear on this material.
If this has peekedyour interest, please visit our Facebook page at: 
You can also visitour webpage: 


Gallery Riglyne

Let asb. op:  Alle werk moet die oorspronklike werk van diekunstenaar wees.  A Pretty Talent sal nieenige verantwoordelikheid neem of deel vir enige vorm van plagiaat of kopiëringin enige vorm van iemand anders se werk nie, ongeag die format daarvan.

My aanlyn-winkel AprettyTalent.com het nou ‘n gallery waar gekeurdekunstenaars hulle werke kan uitstal. As jy belangstel om jou werke daar te sienen te bemark kan jy vir my ’n epos stuur na gallery@aprettytalent.commet die volgende inligting:
1.      Die naam waaronder jy joukuns bemark;
2.      5 Goeie fotos (moenie diepixels verminder om die file kleiner te maak nie) van jou voltooide werke (1foto elk van 5 werke):
2.1.   Jy moet 5fotos kies.  As meer fotos verlang word,sal dit aangevra word.  Moenie meer as 5fotos stuur nie;
2.2.   Fotosmoet in goeie beligtings-omstandighede geneem word.  Neem die foto so na as moontlik aan diekunswerk, eerder as om die zoom funksie te gebruik.  Die foto moet die hele lens vul, enverkieslik al vier die kante raak in die viewer.  As dit nie moontlik is nie, moet die foto opdie rekenaar ge-crop word;
2.3.   Geen deelvan die kunswerk mag afgesny word nie;
3.      As die files te groot is,kan jy dit in verskillende emails stuur;
4.      Elke werk se naam endetails moet duidelik gemerk wees (grootte, gewig, geraam/ongeraam, medium(s),surface/agtergrond, prys plus 25% kommissie, enige ander relevante inligting (soosinspirasie ens);
5.      2 of 3 sinne oor jouselfas kunstenaar;
6.      Die subject line van dieepos moet jou kunstenaarsnaam wees.
7.      Ek vat 25% kommissie opalle werke wat verkoop.
8.      As jy die werk privaatverkoop, moet jy my onmiddellik in kennis stel, sodat ek die webblad se stockkan opdateer. In dieselfde epos kan jy vir my ’n ander werk stuur om in dieverkoopte een se plek te bemark.
9.      Die werk bly in jou besiten as dit verkoop, sal ek met jou reël om dit na die klient of na my teversend. Versendingskostes word deur die klient betaal en word outomaties opdie blad bereken met checkout.
10.   Die blad het ook ’n blogfunksie. Van tyd tot tyd sal ek kunstenaars wie se werk op die webblad is,nader om ’n paar paragrawe oor hulle-self te skryf. Dit word dan in die bloggesit en jy word ’n featured artist.
11.   Ek behou die reg voor omjou kuns en/of jou featured artist blog so wyd as moontlik te bemark (onderandere op sosiale netwerke soos Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest ens.)
12.  As jouwerk gekies word om in die Gallery ten toon gestel te word, moet jy asb ‘nrekening (account) oopmaak op die webwinkel. Dit behels geen geld nie.  Dit issodat ons al jou kontak details en verskepingsadresse op lêer het wanneer daar‘n bestelling geplaas word.  Gedurendehierdie proses sal jy die opsie gegee word om promosie materiaal van diewebblad te ontvang.  Jy is welkom omhierdie opsie te deselekteer/‘untick’ as dit jou voorkeur is.  Hou in gedagte dat jou eie werk ook inhierdie promosie materiaal mag verskyn.
As jy belangstel kan jy na my Facebook Page gaan kyk:
Jy kan ook die webblad self besoek:


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